Sunday 23 November 2008

Graffiti Haiku

There are many creative graffiti artists (or vandals, depending on your perspective) working in the neighbourhood near our university. They inscribe their offerings in spray paint, stencils or magic marker on any number of handy surfaces belonging to others. One spring day as I walked in the area, I passed three separate graffiti statements painted by different people on a sidewalk, utility pole and green dumpster, respectively. Each statement stayed with me until later, when it occurred to me that I had inadvertently found, in the most unlikeliest of spots, a charming haiku of great wisdom. Thank you, unknown graffiti poets!

listen . . . don't wait
until tomorrow . . . grow

1 comment:

  1. ~ in high school i did a paper on graffiti or art...i went to an occupational skills center for visual communications my last two years and it was there where i met the most inspiring talented individuals who made me think twice about what had been created on walls building trains ect...graffiti or art!~


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