Wednesday 19 November 2008

Guiding Principle # 2

"If you meet the Buddha on the road, kill him."

This murderous little sentiment is actually an ancient Zen Buddhist saying. While it sounds paradoxical (shouldn't a Buddhist be happy to meet the Buddha?), it is actually darn good advice. If we meet a spiritual authority on our journey who says that they have all the answers and all we have to do for salvation or spiritual fulfilment is just follow what they say, it's a pretty safe bet that they will lead us astray and cause us great damage. We must retain our individual thought, control and judgment at all times during the spiritual journey. Anyone who doesn't want us to question or think for ourselves is dangerous. Spiritual authority is found within ourselves, not externally.

Thus endeth the sermon.


  1. ~this post could be reposted for a great reminder to so true...
    "Anyone who doesn't want us to question or think for ourselves is dangerous. Spiritual authority is found within ourselves, not externally."
    wise words we all need to live and be held accountable too~

  2. I've always loved this saying. Anytime I've told this to someone they say "really?" . . . lol


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