Tuesday 16 December 2008

Childhood Friends: Tomboy

In the mid-1960s, two-parent families were the absolute norm in our little one-horse prairie town. Tomboy was the only kid I knew who lived in a single-parent family. Her Mom was a free-spirited artiste who did wild things that no one else did, like paint murals and pierce her children's ears (even the baby). The family lived in our town for a couple of years and then moved on again, when Mom found a new man.

Tomboy was the most wonderful girl I knew. She taught me how to jump off the roof of the back shed and how to cadge free chocolate milk from the creamery. We both adored Anne of Green Gables and spent countless hours acting out that book's adventures. Tomboy was Anne and I was Diana. My crush on Tomboy was such that I willingly assumed the second banana role, something I would never have done for anyone else. In our own private Avonlea, there was no Gilbert Blythe. We never missed him. We kindred spirits spent our time at the Lake of Shining Waters (which appeared to everyone else to be a culvert on the cemetery road).

When Tomboy moved away, she and I swore eternal friendship and gave each other a lock of our hair. I kept hers in my Sunday School Bible. We were faithful pen-pals for many years. Tomboy remained a boyish girl until she graduated from high school. Then, completely out of the blue, she became a born-again Christian and a total femme. She married shortly thereafter and I never heard from her again.


  1. I too have lost friends after many years and sometimes it has broken my heart, but then I realized that for whatever reason people come into our lives and although some stay, they are part of who we are in one way or another.

  2. What a precious memory of your friend! It's too bad what happened and you never heard from her again!

  3. Ah, Anne of Green Gables was special to Cat and I too. We were both bookish Latinx witchy ladies making do in suburbia. I am so lucky she and I stayed kindred spirits until the day she died. I'll miss her sorely for the rest of my life.


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