Tuesday 23 December 2008

Snow Shoe Hares

This gorgeous painting was created by Molly Roberts, a very talented fine arts student in Milwaukee, WI. She writes about her art and life in a beautifully presented blog called Her Speak. From her blog, you can access her Etsy site called Doll Machine Gallery.

I love rabbits, always have, always will. And of course, rabbits are a very potent symbol of the Goddess (think Eostre!). When I see a wild rabbit crossing my path, it's almost like a little personal message from the Divine Feminine. So when I saw this painting on Molly's Etsy site, I simply had to have it! It arrived at my home on the Winter Solstice, like a special blessing on a sacred day.


  1. I love that one by Molly! I considering buying it but I fell in love with her Emily Dickinson-inspired art. I'm glad you got it and isn't that amazing it showed up on the solstice? Yuletide blessings to you my friend!

  2. Dear Debra, Love the plate, must look into that, it's gorgeous!

    Wishing you a wonderful Christmas and that all your dreams come true in the New Year!


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