Monday 2 March 2009

The Lord's Prayer: Another Goddess Version

Our Lady, Mother of us all,
Goddess is thy name.
Thy will be done,
with harm towards none,
below as it is above.
Give us this day
the ability to see
with compassion, grace and truth
that we might offer
perfect trust and perfect love
to others in your name.
May our hands be thine
to do thy work;
may our voices speak your words.
For Thou are
the beauty, the light and the spirit
as we dance the spiral together.
So be it.

I found this version several years ago in a SageWoman magazine. It was written by a woman named Candace, from Sedona, Arizona. Unfortunately, that's all the information I have. But isn't it a lovely version of the prayer? I particularly like Candace's beautiful reference to dancing the spiral with the Divine.

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