Sunday 15 March 2009

The Lord's Prayer: Cockney Version

'ello, Dad, up there in good old 'eaven,
Your name is, well, great and 'oly,
and we respect you, Guv.

We 'ope we can all 'ave a butcher's at 'eaven
and be there as soon as possible.
And we want to make you 'appy, Guv,
and do what you want 'ere on earth,
just like what you do in 'eaven.

Guv, please give us some Uncle Fred,
and enough grub and stuff to keep us going today.
And we 'ope you'll forgive us when we cock things up,
just like we're supposed to forgive them who annoy us
and do dodgy stuff to us.

There's a lot of dodgy people around, Guv;
please don't let us get tempted to do bad things.
'elp keep us away from all the nasty, evil stuff
and keep that dodgy Satan away from us,
'cos you're much stronger than 'im.

You're the Boss, God,
and will be forever, innit?


I love this version! I found it on the internet. The Cockney Bible was written in Cockney rhyming slang by English school teacher Mike Coles so that religious studies would be more interesting for students in the East End of London.

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