Tuesday 28 April 2009

Off on an Adventure

I won't be blogging for the next week or so. I'm off on an adventure -- a tarot adventure, to be precise. My Rare One and Her Royal Highness will be batching it for the next few days while I'm in the States attending the 2009 Readers Studio, an intensive tarot workshop/conference. Woo hoo! I'm so excited! I'll tell you all about it when I get back!


  1. c'est tres excitement
    drop by for tea
    we're just up the road!

  2. Some day when you least expect it, Patti -- there I'll be!

  3. isn't that the truth about the lasagna. if you could see the size of our police you would see why i beefed it up. these guys look like they eat the whole animal!!!

  4. wow- that sounds exciting- i am in the process of reacquainting myself with the sacredness of tarot- i feel during my professional reading years that i may have lost a bit of that........have a wonderful time......blessed be xx

  5. Oh, that is so cool!. Come and leave a post on my Seeker blog..or at least a link!
    Can't wait to hear about it.

  6. Oh my gosh...how cool! Can't wait to hear about your adventure!


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