Saturday 16 May 2009

My Tarot Journey, Part 5

I feel that it is time now for me to move on from Morgan-Greer and to start using a new tarot deck. Ciro Marchetti has created a new deck called the Legacy of the Divine Tarot and I bought a copy at the Readers Studio. It is a darker, more fantasy-based deck that nevertheless appeals to me greatly. Ordinarily I'm not a big fan of fantasy art because it's usually very sexist -- lots of big boobs, tiny waists and scanty clothes: fantasy women to fuel some adolescent boy's wet dream. But the Legacy of the Divine Tarot is pretty respectful of women, although it still does not have a lot of diversity of race or body shapes. With that shortcoming noted, I intend to use it as my new reading deck. It will mark the start of the next part of my tarot journey. Because of course, tarot is a life-long journey, as those of you who read tarot know perfectly well!

Next week I'll be starting a five-part series on what I learned at the Readers Studio 09. But for the next couple of posts -- it's time for something completely different!


  1. Thanks for sharing with us =). Looking forward to the next series, I might have to write something about my tarot experience . . .


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