Friday 22 May 2009

RS09: Tarot Readers as Entertainers

A very interesting "Lunch 'n Learn" presentation was given by Valentina Burton, a professional tarotist from Dallas, Texas. She reads in her own store, but also reads in bars and at a lot of parties. The purpose of the tarot reader in such venues is strictly to be "the entertainment," she says, so you'd better be entertaining! For that purpose, she dresses in often outrageous costumes and projects a very flamboyant personality. To ensure that no one will have a distressing tarot experience, she also removes all the "troublesome" cards from her reading deck (Death, the Tower, the 10 of Swords, you know the ones!)

She had several practical tips for dealing with drunks and obnoxious clients in a professional but firm manner. Valentina has a male assistant working with her at these events to handle the scheduling of querents and other details. I suspect he's also her "muscle" in case things get ugly due to out-of-control party goers. Valentina also cheerfully admitted to breaking many tarot rules -- she will read to predict the future, she will read to answer a question about someone other than the querent, etc. Valentina was a bit of a refreshing change from the standard tarot reader persona of counsellor, psychologist, spiritual advisor or life coach.


  1. a bit of a difference from Geraldine Amaral, hey ? lol

    I am wondering though about removing cards from the pack ? Something feels slightly wrong about that to me.....

  2. Yes, that approach is controversial and she admits it.


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