Wednesday 1 July 2009

Happy Canada Day!

July 1st means only one thing in the Great White North -- it's Canada Day again! Time to get a day off work (yay!) and celebrate our extremely good fortune to live in this country. Everyone will kick back and enjoy some favourite Canadian goodies -- a juicy bison burger on the BBQ perhaps, along with some poutine or (for those who are more health conscious) maybe a green salad with some fiddleheads in it, and for dessert a nice butter tart or Nanaimo bar. And don't forget the two-four of ice cold Molson Canadian to wash it all down with. Oh Canada, we stand (*burp*) on guard for thee! See you at the fireworks!


  1. I love that Canadian Kitty! Happ Canada Day.

  2. Thank you, H.M.! Merci beaucoup! (Two official languages, you know!)


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