Saturday 8 August 2009

I'm back with a new attitude!

I can personally attest that when you reach your 50s, all sorts of new little aches and pains start to show up in the aging bod. Stiff joints, sore feet, decreased energy and stamina. Saggy this and saggy that. Puffy, droopy face in the morning mirror. The aging process comes as a bit of a shock as this new physical reality starts to sink in.

Want to feel young, vibrant and healthy? Want to feel like a spring chicken again? There's no need for fancy shmancy medical intervention, plastic surgery or the fountain of youth! Just go visit your old Mom in the nursing home like I just did. Compared with the infirmities and restrictions of genuine old age, I guarantee that you will embrace your current aches and pains with gusto and gratitude for all the youthful vim and vigour you still enjoy. Woo hoo, let's party!


  1. 'nodding'

    I am getting ready to put my 85 year old mother in a nursing home. She is either mixing her meds or early stage dementia is starting, plus she is suddenly physically frail.
    THAT is real destruction from aging and yes, it makes my little pains and stiffness almost enjoyable.
    Now I will totter out to the kitchen and have another cup of coffee to lubricate my own stiff joints. :-)

  2. Hi Celestite -- For you and your Mom, I wish strength, patience and acceptance during that difficult transition.

  3. lighting candle for you...
    i'm 65..i figure every morning i wake ahead of the game..

  4. hehe..that is funny! well, sort of because it is so true. when i get aches and pains i just pull up the boot straps, take a deep breath and ignore them and remind myself i am not really that old!!!

  5. Oh yes...seeing my Mom always makes me realize how lucky I am to be healthy and pain free!


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