Monday 17 August 2009


Everyone has seen rainbows, I know. Everyone loves rainbows, I'm sure. It's impossible to feel down or sad when you see a rainbow in the sky, no matter how small or fragmented the rainbow is. It's like seeing and receiving a beautiful visible blessing. To see a full rainbow arch is especially wonderful and to see a double arch is a spectacular treat not to be forgotten.

My favourite rainbow memory occurred one summer in the early 1990s. I was driving back to Winnipeg on the Yellowhead Highway under the big prairie sky of rural Manitoba. The weather was very weird -- one moment it rained, the next it was sunny, then it was dark and menacing, then sunny again, etc. Every time it got sunny, the sky was full of multiple rainbow fragments all over the place, here, there and everywhere. And the familiar rainbow colours were incredibly vivid and intense against the changing sky! I stopped the car on the highway shoulder to get out and look. It was a unique rainbow lightshow like I have never seen before or since.


  1. That sounds unbelievably beautiful, I love the idea of a rainbow lightshow.

    I used to see double rainbows in Vancouver all of the time, no where else I lived in BC, just Vancouver. A special place.

    OK, back I go into commenting hiding. :)

  2. I know those rainbows well.

    Love Renee xoxo

  3. i love favorite was when we were coming back to the house and the rainbow seemed to be right ahead of us..and we drove down a twisting 6 mile road to our house...the rainbow ended right over the house..where my 6 year old daughter was sleeping in her pot of gold at the end of the rainbow..


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