Wednesday 16 September 2009

Return of the Wayfarers

Then nature stirs them up to such a pitch
That folk all long to go on pilgrimage
And wandering travelers tread new shores, strange strands,
Seek out far shrines, renowned in many lands . . . .

--Geoffrey Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales

We're back! Guess where we've been!

My Rare One and I have been away on our own special pilgrimage to some sacred Goddess and pagan sites in England! Unlike Chaucer's pilgrims, though, we had all the comforts of air travel, an organized tour group and a small bus to get around. Over the next little while, I'll blog about some of the great places that we saw and wonderful experiences that we had. But don't worry -- I'll maintain variety, too, by interspersing some posts on other topics. I'm still reading Moby-Dick, you know.


  1. welcome home...cant wait for the update on travels...

    how is moby's dick doing?

  2. Welcome back! Cant wait to hear your adventures!

  3. Oh yay...can't wait to hear about your travels!!! I bet you had some amazing experiences.

  4. Oh I missed you too!! OMG how fun is this! I love Chaucer..but to tour those sites in England - heaven!! Can't wait to hear more about it!!! Whoo hoo!!! Pictures - we want pictures!!!
    Hugs, Sarah

  5. Sneaky! How nice of you not to let us know, so we'd be sitting here waiting with baited breath for you to return and tell all!

    Actually, I'm still waiting with baited breath...

    Can't wait to hear what you've seen and done!

  6. Yes, I've been called a tease before, Rue, although in a slightly different context, LOL!

  7. What you've posted so far looks great and I look forward to seeing more. (Yes, I'm reading this a few days after you've posted it, since I've been out of town...) And who is your Rare One?

  8. Sarita, check out "Luuuuv" under "Labels" on the sidebar and all will be revealed!


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