Monday 28 September 2009

Trailer Park Boys!

I know I come across as, like, kulcherd and edumacated and shit like that, but it don't stop me from fuckin' LOVING the Trailer Park Boys. Ricky, Julian, Bubbles -- they're fuckin' Canuckian HEROES, you know, so fuck off you fuckin' McKenzie Brothers, eh? (And if you don't fuckin' know who the Trailer Park Boys are, check out their fuckin' website here). Everyone on that TV show may be a fuckin' foul-mouthed dope addict, alcoholic, petty criminal or skank, but that's just fuckin' LIFE, okay? Half my shit-faced relatives could be Trailer Park Boys and the other half only THINK they're better. And I also just fuckin' LOVE that sweet Randy, even if he has a big hairy gut and trades blowjobs for cheeseburgers. You do what you fuckin' have to do in this fuckin' world, just like Ray scammin' those mofos down at the fuckin' Workers Comp, you know?

So I'm gonna get me a BIG mofo bag of zesty mordant chips and go see the new Trailer Park Boys movie, Countdown to Liquor Day, that's playin' RIGHT FUCKIN' NOW. I know it's just gonna be fuckin' AWESOME!


  1. LOL - oh, you ARE a Canadian girl! I have people down the road from me that are exactly like 'the boys!'

  2. I am going to be absolutely honest. I have no idea who they are, but they sure do seem like fun.

  3. a real canaderian ...

    I always wondered what happened to my 3 x husbands...


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