Friday 16 October 2009

Over the Top Award!

Earlier this month, Claire at Clairdulalune gave me an Over the Top award! Thank you so much for this delightful surprise, my dear! If you don't already know Claire's blog, be sure to visit and check out her many inspired adventures!

The award comes with a list of 35 questions to which I must give one-word answers. Hmmm, that's pretty challenging. I suspect some extra words will sneak in from time to time.

1. Where is your cell phone? non-existent
2. Your hair? shaggy at the moment
3. Your mother? feisty
4. Your father? deceased
5. Your favourite food? Japanese
6. Your dream last night? x-rated!
7. Your favourite drink? Diet Coke
8. Your dream/goal? to live long and prosper
9. What room are you in? family room
10. Your hobby? tarot
11. Your fear? bad health
12. Where do you want to be in 6 years? Funky Town
13. Where were you last night? I have an iron-clad alibi, officer, I swear
14. Something that you aren't? athletic
15. Muffins? yes, please
16. Wish list item? trip to Japan
17. Where did you grow up? One-Horse Prairie Town, Canada
18. Last thing you did? answer phone
19. What are you wearing? Stewie Griffin pyjama bottoms, baggy t-shirt and slippers (oooo, sexy, I know!)
20. Your TV? Sony
21. Your pets? cat
22. Friends? oui
23. Your life? scheduled
24. Your mood? sardonic
25. Missing someone? the dearly departed
26. Vehicle? Japanese
27. Something you're not wearing? socks
28. Your favourite store? Where Faeries Live (Edmonton)
29. Your favourite colour? blue
30. When was the last time you laughed? this afternoon
31. Last time you cried? a while ago
32. Your best friend? My Rare One
33. One place that I go to over and over? pharmacy
34. One person who emails me regularly? friggin' spammers
35. Favourite place to eat? Shogun Restaurant (Edmonton)

Now I get to nominate 6 over-the-top bloggers to receive the award, answer the same list of 35 questions and then pass the award on to 6 others. Hee hee! Be sure to check out their blogs if they're new to you! Here are my nominees:

2. Lady Grace at Grace Dreamweaver

3. Suzie at Suzie Ridler

4. Blackened Phoenix at The Domestic Witch

5. Cameron at Walking the Labyrinth

6. Jackiesue at Yellowdog Granny [Yes, I know you just received this award from someone else, YDG, but you're SO over the top, you deserve it twice!]


  1. congrats and I love that you do not have a cell phone!

    Right on!

  2. Congratulations on your award. I'm so happy for you.

  3. wild thing make my heart sing

    bless you my might be fun to do again..ha

  4. Congrats on your award - you deserve it!

  5. You are a sweetie, thanks so much for the award and congrats on getting it! Wow, you're not wearing socks? I am completely covered in layers right now but my fav colour is also blue.

  6. Congrats and thank you so very much! And how do you live without a cell phone? Seriously! lol


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