Wednesday 21 October 2009

Thermostat Wars

Now that autumn is here and winter is coming fast, it's time to put the furnace on. And that can mean only one thing in our household . . . cue ominous music . . . Thermostat Wars!

Oh, the reasons for this situation are simple enough. The following cat represents me:

And the following cat represents my Rare One:

Sometimes the claws come out and the fur flies, but most of the time we achieve a negotiated settlement, LOL!


  1. LMAO hon...I just swpewed coffee all over my keyboard. whaaahaha.. I can sooo relate!! Giggle ..snort!! Hugs, Sarah

  2. I am a mixture of both cats.

    It is so fucking hot. It is so fucking cold.


  3. If the heat would come and stay, but it's the fluctuating that drove me crazy. I'm with the first cat.

  4. great way to tell the story...ah yes, its a tough one. Luckily Goom and I are pretty much the same. We rarely turn on the heat and we layer!


  5. Familiar tale. Goes on in our house all winter...only I rent and don't have control of the thermostat so hubbie and I go at it about open windows.

  6. oh man..I still swear that's why my 2 sons left home and got married as they couldnt stand living with a menopausal was snowing out side...9 degrees and everyone was in the boys room huddled around the heater with door closed..why? I had the ac on..standing in front of it buck nekkid with sweat running down my arms...

  7. I'm ffffreezing! All the time. It's ridiculous.

  8. Well it's been over 10 years since my "change" and I'm STILL getting hot flash's!!!! Like I said in my blog, now I know why witch's danced naked at night... they were trying to cool off!!!!


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