Tuesday 3 November 2009

Chalice Well

Two springs flow from Glastonbury Tor in England.

The White Spring is sacred to the Divine Masculine. Crystal clear and pure, it was diverted for municipal water use in the early twentieth century. Although no longer used for that purpose, the spring today remains relatively undeveloped as a result.

The Red Spring is sacred to the Divine Feminine. It is called Chalice Well because of the old legend that it flows from the spot where St. Joseph of Arimathea buried the Holy Grail. There is a high iron oxide content in the water of the Red Spring, which causes the surrounding rocks and pools to be stained red with accumulated rust. It is safe to drink in small amounts only. Yet the water of Chalice Well is reputed to have great healing qualities.

Over the past hundred years, a series of mystics and visionaries have created an exquisite World Peace Garden centred around Chalice Well. The Garden is full of beautiful flowers, shrubs and trees, with many quiet and secluded benches, nooks and crannies for meditation.

This photo of Chalice Well was taken by my Rare One on our recent trip. Tomorrow I'll post about the special vesica piscis symbol found on the sacred spring's well cover and throughout the Garden.


  1. What a great photo! I would love to visit the Chalice Well. Such a spiritual place.

  2. Beautiful shot! I imagine the whole area is filled with Magick.

  3. Something so shamanic about that shot and idea! It's time to start gazing into the dark pool, isn't it?

  4. Just lovely - every pic and story you tell of your trip, just makes me want to go there even more!

  5. Debra that is so interesting.

    love Renee xoxo

  6. I went years ago - I'd love to see what has been done with it now. When I went it was simply the ruins and a scraggly thorn bush - I can't remember any wells.

  7. What's truly amazing about things like this chalice wall is that we have nothing so ancient with so much history here. Well, I mean we invaders. .. The American Indians had their own treasures, but left few marks to remember them, respecting the earth too much. Still, it's so beautiful to see this ancient history. Kind of like traveling to Europe, period, to know that this whole other world just spins on while we're over here, in our own little world of reality. Wierd, huh? I really remember sensing that irony when I visited Europe. Thanks for the post. (sorry for the long reply.)

  8. Beautiful. Just beautiful. I look forward to hearing more. :)

  9. Wow, love this. I miss mysticism...it is so powerful. I think it is why so many people are depressed because they don't believe in magic.

    Looking forward to tomorrow.

    much love,


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