Tuesday 10 November 2009

Healing Waterfall

Another of Chalice Garden's water features created to showcase the waters of the Red Spring is the Healing Waterfall. It is located in a walled bower of trees and ferns, a shady and peaceful spot. The spring water splashes down a red brick waterfall surrounded by slate rocks. People often leave small offerings to the Goddess here -- a votive candle, a small apple, a stone, a feather or two. Ribbons are tied to the surrounding tree branches.

The water then flows through a narrow channel to the Healing Pool, a small rectangular pool of shallow water. People may wade there, holding on to the handrail and others' hands, walking carefully because the bottom is slippery with iron oxide build-up. (The Healing Pool gets power-washed on a regular basis too).

One afternoon while I was meditating in Chalice Garden, a large group of Christian pilgrims held a ceremony at the Healing Waterfall. They were celebrating the Virgin Mary, reciting prayers and singing hymns in honour of the Mother of God. The Red Spring is always sacred to the Divine Feminine, no matter which form She may take.


  1. Oh how beautiful this is. Wish I could get there in person.

  2. Beautiful, it looks so beautiful.


  3. Wow, it must have been wonderful to witness those rituals.

    much love

  4. Oh my it's beautiful! Thank you for the spiritual slap this morning :) Sometimes the grass does look greener... But I know it's not.


  5. I said it before, but I'll say it again -- I want to go there!

    It is oh so beautiful. :)

  6. This is so peaceful looking! I would have loved to have sat there and meditated! I love the red brick!

  7. Gorgeous pic! The iron oxide is truly intriguing.


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