Thursday 10 December 2009

If Jesus Were Born Today

[Gleefully stolen from Yellowdog Granny's blog. Thanks!]


  1. Lmao. That is so very true and so funny.

  2. It took me a second, but I got it. What a chuckle! HA!

    Is Maury Povich still on the air? And where did Jenny Jones go?

  3. Love this one. As usual, you know how to get a chuckle out of me.

  4. Oh this sense of humour is right up my dark alley!

  5. hehehe....funny funny funny!! thanks for the feedback on my nativity. i was getting sort of worried that everyone was bored by it! it's actually the first time i have taken the time to read the stories. i haven't had this thing out in years and years!

  6. hilarious! and yeah you are right about my quote, it does assume all women like men so my mistake!

    I need to phrase things differently...jeeze. Thanks for opening my eyes to that.

    much love

  7. Oh, funny! Oh, Maury. What a way to make a living... xoxo


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