Tuesday 1 December 2009

I'm Baaaaack!

Well, I'm breathing easier now -- my Christmas shopping is essentially done, the tree is decorated and this weekend I'll be able to mail all our Christmas cards and my sister's holiday package. There's still more gift wrapping to do but that's easily accomplished by December 25th. Now I can enjoy the holiday craft sales, concerts, parties and general merry-making of December without worrying about getting the basics done. Life is good.


  1. Wow! Thats awesome. I never seem to be able to accomplish the goal of getting it together for the holidaze till they are upon me. lol. But I enjoy them non the less.

    stay blessed

  2. Oh, my. Well, my tree and village are up, but I haven't even begun my shopping...and I am one who used to be finished in October. Somewhere along the line, that seemed to change. Welcome back. You've been missed.

  3. Well done, you have finished almost everything.. Time to relax and enjoy..

  4. Martha Stewart look out! Miss Debra's got her game on. I started a bit of decorating this past weekend. This weekend (or next) are the trees (3 of 'em).

    And managed to place online orders for two Christmas gifts.

    I'm contemplating decorating my workspace at the office, that should just about do it.

  5. How delightful! I need to make a list to figure the rest of my christmas stuff out. I'm travaling which always makes things a little tricky!

    But for the most part it is done.

    much love

  6. crap..christmas cards.. i have to do the damn cards..sigh*

  7. Wait...you're done? That's it?

    This is me...throwing myself in front of a bus...or that van from the last post.

    I'll never be done. Sigh. I think I'll just put a sticky note on random things from my house and give them as gifts. That might work...

  8. I love these vintage pix of women at home from the 40s and 50s. Makes me realize how lucky we are to have more choices. :-) I hope your holidays are grand. May you savor every morsel!

  9. *Gah* you just reminded me!!!! I have to address my xmas cards!

  10. Bravo! Hope you enjoy the rest of the holiday season now that you're done. I'm not; been unemployed so I'm using my creative juices to figure out how to provide suitable gifts for little to no money. Re-gifting is good! No cards this year; people will understand, I know.


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