Thursday 24 December 2009

Santa's on his way!

When I was a kid, Christmas Eve was the most magical evening of the entire year. Full of excitement and anticipation, it was the one night when we would go to bed early without complaint. After all, the sooner we got to sleep, the sooner Christmas morning would arrive and the sooner we could open our gifts! Right before bedtime, we'd put out a glass of milk for Santa and a plate with a couple of cookies on it. How exciting it was to find the empty glass and bare plate the next morning! Irrefutable proof that Santa had been in our house. How sweet is the innocent certainty of childish belief. And how fleeting, when viewed against a lifetime's experience.


  1. ~brightest blessing this holiday to you too...i remember all to the same, except i could never fall asleep i waited and waited all night with great anticipation of hearing something on the roof...was always such a long night! all my best~

  2. Maybe we can both tap into that Christmas wonder as adults and search for reindeers tonight.

  3. It truly is a magical day isn't it? Love and blessings to you and yours this magical season. xoxo

  4. I did much the same as a kid. And, I did the same for my kids. What wonderful memories.

  5. Ahhh, yes. Christmas is for children. I have so many fond Christmas memories. When I went to visit my parents last weekend, my dad gave me a foot and a half long pepperoni. We used to get that at Christmas because is was considered a rare treat. (We was po!)

    I was worried that I wouldn't be able to get it through airport security, but they let me pass. One of the guards looked at the pepperoni poking out of my carry-on bag, and then took one look at me, and she knew I wasn't about to give up that stick without a fight. I raised me eyebrows and grinned at her. She snickered and let me pass.

    Now, that's Christmas spirit!

  6. Another kitty pic, to fall in love with! I printed out the 'Bahh Humbug Alley Cat' one and have it on my refrigerator!!!!! >,-)

    Yes, I agree about the Christmas Eve thing. Somehow, Ch. Day doesn't stack up. It's more of a let down, for me. [Which of course, is another one of my weird quirks, I suppose. -grinnnnnnnn-] Don't most people say that dec. 26th is a let down? Oh well.

    Btw, I'm so happy to have Net-met you. And have already thanked Mary, for making this possible. 'Cause it was on her blog, that we sort of met. :-)

  7. the feast if the seven fishes is an italian christmas eve tradition. seven different types of fish ans seafood are prepared. my son is going to his girlfriends family tonight for one of these. christmas eve truly is the most magical time of year. i live for this day! have a wonderful christmas!

  8. We always left Santa a glass of sherry, which tells you more about my family than it does about Santa.

  9. i remember when i was about 10 and one of the boys in the neighbor hood told me that santa was my mother and father and there was no such thing as santa...i beat the crap out of him.

  10. I remember leaving out treats for Santa when I was young. :)

  11. Whoot..I looove that..giggle! At this very moment I have a very excited six year old who is waiting for reindeer feet and jinglebells. Soooo much fun!!
    Have a wonderful holiday hon and brightest blessings to you!
    Love, Sarah

  12. I still leave out cookies. I'm not stupid. As long as I believe, he brings me presents!

  13. I still believe, and he still brings presents!!! :D

    ...although I forgot to leave out cookies this year...


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