Thursday 7 January 2010

Happy Ukrainian Christmas!

Under the old Julian calendar still used by Ukrainian Catholics, today is Christmas. My Rare One and I are going tonight with a group of friends to a local restaurant called Taste of Ukraine. There we will enjoy the traditional feast of 12 meatless dishes. Usually this feast is eaten on Ukrainian Christmas Eve, but the restaurant booked up right away for that night. Luckily they offer the feast on two other evenings as well. I had to reserve our tickets way back at the beginning of November -- this is a popular feast here in Edmonchuk!


  1. Happy Ukrainian Christmas to you! Enjoy!

    I used to Net-know a young man in Belgrade, and they celebrated according to this calendar.

  2. I just went to look at the menu. That food looks scrumptious. If I pick out something on the menu, you think you can send it to me? Enjoy yourself tonight.

  3. merry ukraian christmas...something I didn't know..but the food looks delicious

  4. Oh yum! The only thing I'm not fond of is cabbage rolls - my Ukranian mother gives me a hard time about this - but I just can't do it! Now her homemade perogies though...that's another story! Oh, and her Borscht...gods, I'm getting hungry!

    Have fun!

  5. ooh I like the sound of the Ukranian catholics!! using an old calendar - love it! enjoy your time there

  6. Twelve meatless dishes? often does that happen? (I know once a year at Ukranian Christmas, lol).

    have a wonder - full time!!!

  7. What a great idea for a post-holidaze, quiet dinner! I need to find out more about these Ukranians. They seem to have the right idea about things.

    Be sure to give us all a food review of the restaurant!

  8. Yummy, I looks yummy anyway. I think I'd have to hit the treadmill a few times after a dinner like that one, Enjoy!

  9. A friend of mine is also celebrating. I celebrated with her too and now I am swimming in vodka. OUCH!

  10. I think I like Ukrainian Christmas better than American Christmas, esp the 12 meatless dishes.

  11. I say prorogue... you say PEROGUE! I love this post (0: My best Edmontonchuk Ukrainian friend would put on these wonderful get togethers in Vancouver years ago... fab!

  12. Hi Debra! Hooray you won! Thanks for being such a great visitor:)Funny thing is, the number generator picked 13 and when I popped over here, there were 13 comments. Please send me your address:) My email is on the left side of my profile page.


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