Monday 25 January 2010

Robbie Burns Day

Today is the birthday of Robbie Burns, the 18th century radical Scottish ploughman poet. All over the world, people of Scottish descent are celebrating with Burns Suppers, poetry readings and much playing of bagpipes. I've been a fan of Robbie Burns' poetry and songs since I was a teenager. My favourite Burns poem is "To a Mouse." My favourite Burns lyrics are for those lovely songs "Ye Banks and Braes o' Bonnie Doon" and "My Luve is Like a Red, Red Rose."

Her Royal Highness is also celebrating Robbie Burns Day. She absolutely insists on having haggis for supper tonight instead of Tender Vittles.


  1. Wonderful and I am ashamed I didn't even know it was Robbie Burns day today. My mother would kill me for that alone.

    My Mom is from Aberdeen, Scotland.

    I love his Selkirk Grace.


  2. Love that kitty's coat. Looks so warm and cozy.

  3. I have never heard of him but will try to find one of his poems. I am curious.

  4. Oh what a cutie! In a great kitty-coat! :-)

  5. lol I'd also forgotten! Which is pretty bad, since my bagpiping brother had a gig yesterday which I now remember was probably at a party (or fundraiser) about Robert Burns.

  6. I remember in school when i read my first robert burns poem..i thought "this guy can't spell for shit."

  7. A kindred spirit! I love Robert Burns, and especially:

    Wee, sleekit, cowrin, tim'rous beastie,
    O, what a panic's in thy breastie!
    Thou need na start awa sae hasty
    Wi bickering brattle!
    I wad be laith to rin an' chase thee,
    Wi' murdering pattle.

    ...How can you not?! Cheers! Cheers to Robert Burns!

  8. I love "To a mouse", I would have pout it in my blog, but then Carman recited, "My love is like a red, red rose" and it had to be that.

  9. Is that Her Royal Highness' family tartan? Smashing!

    I love Robbie Burns too! My kindergarten teacher was Scottish and we had a big celebration. It's one of the few things I remember from when I was a wee lass!

  10. Love that photo of the Scottish kitty!

  11. We always have our Burns' Night supper. I've never made or eaten haggis but we've had bubble and squeak and lamb bridies.
    Years ago for my birthday my parents gave me a beautiful 19th C. volume of Burns' Works. My grandmother(my dads mum) claimed Burns was an ancestor. I dont know...I kind of think it's like saying "Washington Slept Here" ;-)

  12. I went to a Robbie Burns night once... didn't like the haggis nor did I like all the scotch whiskey that we had to drink with each and every toast..
    your kitty can have my share of the haggis :)

  13. Oh my! HRH is looking quite festive in her plaid fur. Prance, I say! PRANCE!

  14. That is the most beautiful cat I have ever, ever seen!


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