Thursday 11 February 2010

Climbing to Tintagel: Part 1

When I was a teenager, I was absolutely nuts about the Arthurian legends. I read everything I could get my hands on about these myths. So it was a big thrill to go to Tintagel!

Now, the truth about Tintagel is quite prosaic. The castle ruins which currently occupy the cliff top don't really date back to Arthur's time. The castle was actually built in the middle ages as a summer home for a wealthy nobleman who simply wanted to associate himself with the Arthurian myths for reasons of prestige. But the castle ruins are still very impressive. Since Victorian times (when there was a big resurgence of interest in the King Arthur legends), Tintagel has been a classic tourist town, cashing in as much as it can on King Arthur, Merlin and the Round Table.

I still found Tintagel to be utterly charming. I'm no snob or purist about the King Arthur myths. Nor am I one of those people who think that, unless the stories are proved to have been based on historical fact, they cannot have any true significance. No, anything about King Arthur is grist to my mill. Beautiful, bogus or tacky -- I love it all!

Tomorrow -- the climb, my Gawd, the climb!


  1. How fun! Can't wait!

    I shall rest up for the climb! Should I pack a lunch??

  2. I can feel the goosebumps on my arms...just imagining what it was like to be there. You're right. Those stories had plenty of an archetypal sort of way.

  3. I have a Net friend who loves all things King Arthur too. And I like the way he puts his views...... The Arthur Legends have not been proved true. But they have not been proved false, either. :-)


  4. Oh, and is it really so? Snow is being imported for the Winter Games?

    Ahhhh that "Mother Nature"! She is a kidder, hu? Tooooooooo much snow down this way [well, happily, below us!], and not enough up that way. >,-)


  5. ~can't wait...sorry for flooding your email are filled with such stories i had to go way back...but i am afraid once i hit 2009 my travels will take some time as you have a bit of posts...keep writing...i do enjoy! brightest blessings~

  6. Yes, Aunt Amelia, it's true! Vancouver is trucking snow down from higher elevations to use on the ski runs because it's been so warm there the past couple of weeks that their own snow has mostly melted. But apparently this does happen at Winter Olympics occasionally, so organizers know all the tricks to ensure a successful amount of snow for the Games!

  7. Thank You for sharing this...
    Can't wait to see pics from the climb...
    Morgaine of the Fey, one of my Favs!

  8. I have a confession. I have never read the Arthurian story... ( I refuse to call it a myth or a legend, because something deep in my soul tells me it is true.. I have even had 'discussions', heated ones sometimes with Dutch husband).. anyhow, never read it, but since I was a little girl, I have known about it.. not sure how.
    sometimes, I think I am related somehow.. through my Cornish side.. my Grandpa's name was Percival Arthur.. I have so much in my head about it all.. but I have to let it go or else it sends me insane :)
    I also know somehow, that I have either met Merlin or know him.

    lord, I sound like a nutter!!!

  9. Ha ha, not at all, miss*R! You sound like someone communing with the very depths of your being!

  10. Hi Debra! This is Heidi. Thanks so much for all those wonderful comments you left over at my blog. So sweet of you! Visit again anytime!

    Take care!

  11. I love the authur stories..and im with long as its interesting, who cares if its true..i wrote a ditty once years ago called guinivere was a chippy..wish i could remember the lyrics..was pretty funny.

  12. You might want to check out some of Heather Dale's music. She has one CD ("Trial of Lancelot") that is entirely devoted to King Arthur legends, and I think her CD "May Queen" is too. Her stuff is amazing.

    And your trip looks like it was so much fun! I want to explore a castle!

  13. "Beautiful, bogus or tacky -- I love it all!"

    YES! Magpies feather their nests with all manner of beauty :)


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