Thursday 22 April 2010

Earth Day 2010

First held in 1970, this year marks the 40th anniversary of Earth Day. Its original slogan was "Love Your Mother." Still a good sentiment.

So, Happy Earth Day, everyone! But let's also remember that every day should be Earth Day. Our lives depend on it.


  1. ~happy earth day to you too...i agree with is a day to recognize but our efforts should be a daily occurence...warm wishes and brightest blessings~

  2. "Remember, every day should be Earth Day."
    Truer words were never spoken.

    ~ Rayna

  3. Thanks for the tribute. We can't be reminded enough.

  4. Great sign. Yes, we should celebrated Earth Day every day. Happy Earth Day to you, my friend.

  5. Happy Earth that picture. It should be a Billboard in all "conservative" areas.

  6. so hard to believe that earth day has been around for 40 years. while it seems like there is so much fuss made around this day, have we really done what we can for mother earth?! just pondering... ;)

    ps yes, lilacs galore here!! they are one of my favorite flowers due to their intoxicating scent! LOVE :)


  7. Hi, there is an award and a tag for you over at my site!

  8. yes, every single day should be Earth Day..

    [want to say thankyou for continually commenting on my blog xo.. I have been a rubbish commentor lately.. the damn menopause is giving me hell :( ]

  9. I remember the first Earth Day. We should have made sooo much more progress than we have toward taking care of the Earth. Time to evolve.

  10. the tale tellers at west library did a earth day show at the library and then they and all the kids planted bushes and roses in big pots..then they had cotton candy.ha


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