Thursday 6 May 2010

All Hail the Snuggie!

The first time I ever saw a Snuggie advertised on TV, I wanted to make vicious, savage fun of it and mercilessly mock anyone who would be so stupid as to buy one. But before I could utter a word, my Rare One exclaimed, "Oh, isn't that a great idea! I want one! I want one for Christmas!" So I had to bite my tongue. Hard. But I did it. And of course I bought her one for Christmas. And not just a regular Snuggie either -- a DELUXE Snuggie. Nothing but the best for MY girl.

You can see what's coming, can't you? I just LUUUUV the Snuggie. I use it all the time, much more than my Rare One does. During my convalescence, the Snuggie has been my constant companion during naps and at night. It is warm and comforting. I cannot imagine life without it now. How did I ever manage to live B.S. (Before Snuggie)?


  1. ~to funny as cheesy as the adds are it is quite a brilliant idea...who doesn't l♥ve being wrapped all up...not worrying if your piggies or arms are going to escape and get cold! long live the snuggies...warm wishes and brightest blessings~

  2. Admitting to that is nearly as bad as me admitting that I just cried at 'Free Willy'... clearly we are both lying!

  3. I love my Snuggie!!!!!! Its like a warm hug. I slept in it the first night beneath covers. Now I want the blankie thing that is like a sleeping bag for your couch, even has pillow. :)

  4. Haaaa... so funny! I have much good about this item.. you call it SNUGGIE... I could it a sausage in a blanket... he he (0: PEACE

  5. LOL ...the blanket w/sleeves...

  6. Oh my goodness, you've become one of THOSE people. The first time I saw the Snuggle commercial I balked at the image of the guys wearing them at a sporting event. What man would ever wear one of those outside the house, or at all for that matter.

    That said, my mom got one for Christmas last year (not from me, mind you), and she thinks it's the silliest thing. "I'd sooner cut two holes in a blanket than wear that thing", she said.

    Anyway, glad you are enjoying the Snuggle. Who knows, maybe their introduce matching booties soon!

  7. I never thought about them having snuggies but they do don't they. I haven't caved to this infomercial yet. I did buy the ShamWow...It's not so wow.


    check this out Debra, just for you and your snuggli..

    Wasn't "Plague Dogs" the saddest?!!!

  9. You don't know how bad I wanted one, but I never trust anything on television. Hubby has bought quite a bit of 'crap'; he falls for everything. It's good to know that it is worth the money. Now I will get one.

  10. I want one, but MrB scoffs. Someday I will just buy one anyway. I want the leopard print... because our cat motif is still not fulfilled in Snuggie form.

  11. I'm not overly fond of was a gift and i made all the correct sounds of oohs and ahhs, but i had been bashing them for weeks..and i think i would like it better if it wasn't soooo big..the arms are 3 feet too long and if i move it it i trip on the hem..

  12. I sewed extra pockets on the front so I can carry cookies, pencil an pad and cell phone there in front. It looks like a patchwork snuggie now, but I love it!

  13. *gasp* That's . . . that's . . . BRILLIANT, Emme! You rule, girl!

  14. I had the same initial snuggie reaction Debra...and now...well now I dream of the cold winter day when I too will be enfolded in the gentle warmth of my own snuggie. YOU ARE SO LUCKY!!!!

  15. Geez, I want one too - but not pink - I hate pink - Tutu can keep his pink (fuchsia) one.

  16. How wonderful :) do they do a double size for extra snuggles x

  17. My fleecy houscoat is my favourite thing, so props to you for loving the snuggy! Comfort and snuggling ROCK!

  18. First, it's the Snuggie.
    Then, it's the Better Marriage Blanket (

    It's a long, very slippery slope, but the Snuggie will protect you when you hit the bottom ;)

  19. Oh. My. Gawd. If marital flatulence is THAT unbearable, a doctor is needed, NOT a Better Marriage Blanket, LOL! I especially like the claim that it "contains the same type of fabric used by the military to protect against chemical weapons." Ha ha!


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