Friday 14 May 2010

May You Never Hunger

Behold the ritual offering of the Coven of the Pizza Pagans! Hooray, the weekend's here!

(Another great photo from My Food Looks Funny!)


  1. That's a tasty looking pizzacle. If I send you a stamp, will you mail me a slice?

    Have a great weekend!

  2. ~spirituality being served up everywhere...would have never thought to do such with my pizza! warm wishes and brightest blessings~

  3. Totally cool cutting! I'd never have thought of doing such. Just shows, I'm way-lacking in creativity. As I was just saying in some other blogger's blog. -pout-

    And boy do I miss Pizza Crust, with this Gluten Free Life. :-( Yes, I've found a pretty good gluten free pizza crust. Which I can put my own fixings on. But.... Stillllll.... Sigh.... It's not totally the same.

    Gentle hugs...

  4. I love the way the aluminum foil sparkle through to create the lines! Very magical indeed!

  5. Not only may you not hunger, but may all your food taste delicious and may you enjoy every bite! Can I come over for a slice?

  6. Im going to have to try that one next time we have pizza lol and great name pizzacle :) have a great weekend :)

    and may you never hunger x

  7. Gosh, does that pizza look good. Have a great weekend my friend.

  8. And now I'm desperate for pepperoni. I hope you're happy.

  9. my next home made pizza will be made like that...that rocks.

  10. That looks like a really good pizza. Did you get to eat it? ;)
    Happy Firday!
    (Why did it take so long to find your blog? I'm glad I stopped by.)

  11. Yum. I just ate an entire four course meal and I could STILL go for that pizza.


  12. Mmmm, sacrilicious ;D

    (I am very impressed at how evenly that pizza was divided. Obviously not the first time they've made a sacred offering of yeast and cheese!)

  13. Could this be a more fabulous post and photo?! No, not possible! OMG, totally LOVE it!

    I have pizza for dinner tonight too, fell on the couch and ran out of time to cook something. Next time I make my own pizza, I am so going this!

  14. So cool.

    I wonder if I could get my local pizza place to cut a pizza like that...

  15. I was gonna say it looks too cute to eat... but then that would be stupid!

  16. I am SOOOOOO stealing your idea! It looks mystically yummy!

  17. Way cool
    Have to make a cake today and this will be the new way to cut it.

  18. Sorry that was me

    I'm new to blogging.

  19. Great idea. Did you make the cuts in a particular order (invoking fire perhaps?)

  20. I like the way the slicing makes for more inner pieces (always better than edges for me), but you can have my pepperoni.

  21. fantastic! although my gluten free pizza base could not be cut like this :(

    and you know, I think you are in my head..yesterday I looked at my garden catalogue for winter and decided I must put lillies around my shrine.. yes! and then you comment on my blog... that is definately syncronicity. :) - we are all connected more than we know

  22. "Hail, and Welcome" my tummy! Yum!


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