Monday 3 May 2010

Mental Duck to Mental Swan Award

This week I'm going to catch up on some blog awards that were graciously given to me over the past month while I was recuperating.

Sarah of Cottage Garden Studios has honoured me tremendously with her Mental Duck to Mental Swan Award. This award was inspired by Sarah's friendship with dearly departed Renee of Circling My Head. Here's the story, in Sarah's own words:

This award has been in the past and is again dedicated to Renee as she was the inspiration for it. I repeated 2nd grade and was thereafter labeled as the slow one in the family. Despite graduating with honors in high school and being on the deans list in college . . . I was still the slow one. I was in my 40s before I realized I was not so slow and well, pretty smart after all. During a discussion one day with Renee about how this had kept me from doing so many things in my life she said to me . . . "Sarah, you have gone from Mental Duck to Mental Swan."

I can only say this had a profound effect on me . . . her words! So this award is dedicated to all of those who are just finding their beautiful big swan wings and those who encourage others to find and spread them. Thank you Renee for helping me find mine!!

This award is not one to be passed on . . . it is a gift from me to you . . . .

Isn't that a beautiful story about the origins of a beautiful award? To make this even more meaningful, Sarah gave out the award on March 28th, the date of Renee's birthday.

Thank you, Sarah -- I cannot express how privileged I feel to be included among those who have received this award! For many years, I was a swan in duck's clothing too so I know that there is nothing better than becoming who you are truly meant to be. Sarah, your wonderful example and your beautiful award encourage the swan in all of us! Many, many thanks!


  1. Awww, this is beautiful Debra, it is such a lovely award to have, well deserved! ((hugs))

  2. ~a SWAN you are and your presence is a gift to us all...such beautiful wise soul...congrats on your award...warm wishes and brightest blessings~

  3. Huge Congratulations, Debra! I think that Sarah made the perfect choice in giving this to you!

    I do hope that you are feeling LOTS better!!

    Healing Hugs!

  4. i am so happy for you! you truly deserve this!

  5. What a wonderful award and absolutely the right choice. Congratulations.

  6. congratulations Debra! What a beautiful award, so deeply meaningful...I think there are a lot of us who wore duck down for many years before seeing our brilliant swanniness!!! You are indeed a gorgeous swan!

  7. A wonderful award - congratulations!

    Hey - how are you feeling now, since the surgery? Good as new?

  8. 'Aunt Amelia' was here. But her back still hurts. :-(

  9. Aww so lovely you beautiful swan x x x

  10. A very well deserved are without a doubt a swan! I am blessed to know you!! So glad you are feeling better and getting back on your feet!
    Hugs and love, Sarah

  11. I think I'm working my way to mental Dodo. Congratulations to you!

  12. you deserve it ..and much more.

  13. I'm only jealous a teeny, tiny smidgen.


  14. a beautiful award for you xoxo


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