Saturday 5 June 2010

"Come As You Are"

Hey, here's the French McDonald's ad that has caused Bill O'Reilly of Fox News to get his knickers all in a twist! "Do they have an al-Qaeda ad?" he asked. Moron.

Of course the ad has been subtitled in English for our viewing pleasure. But it's interesting that, right at the end, the background music is revealed to already have English lyrics (!) although the idiom is not quite right and the words are sung in a French accent -- "I'm going on my road." Maybe fake English lyrics make the commerical extra chic in France, I don't know?

(Plus, sometimes another commercial creeps in at the end. I'm not quite sure how that happened? They keep changing too. Oh oh.)


  1. I really wish the US would just get the hell over themselves with the Puritanical crap and just let everyone "come as they are".

  2. BRAVO mikie d's!!!!! finally!!! evolution is such a slow process! bite me bill o'reilly...loser!!!

  3. i think it's a little sad that his dad doesn't know.

  4. I'm stunned it's even considered a big enough deal for someone to comment on the news about it!

  5. Wow! I didn't know that McDonalds had it in them to do such a cool commercial.. but rather sad that Dad is so blind. .but still. .a neat commercial. .but sad that it isn't shown in the U.S. For being such a world leader and "progressive" country, sometimes we are SO slow in things like acceptance. And Bill O'Reilley certainly isn't helping things. What a dumb, dumb thing to say. I agree with Jaz.

  6. I think it's just sad period..sigh*
    maybe some day it wont be a big isn't a big deal to most people..unlike bill o'reiley who is a neandethal.

  7. Good for McDonalds. On the other hand, they are falling back in Europe (too many better burgerplaces around!) and they need new tricks to reconquer. :)

  8. The US is so uptight, it's disgusting. I think Billo the Clown should stick to his Freedom Fries and not worry about what other people are doing with *their* freedom.

  9. What a great would be better if he were out to his Dad, but it's still good none the less.

  10. I love this commercial and wish something like this could be shown over here. Some of the opposition has been that kids can't know for sure that they're gay. My son has known he was gay since he was he was 14 so yes, kids can know.

  11. As you may know, my BF and I are complete opposites. He watches Fox News and believes everything that is being said. I walk into the room and burst out laughing at the nonsense and fear mongering. Some of what is being said is not laughable, but find that when dealing with BF, laughter wins. In all honesty, I really worry about where this is taking us and the damage that is being done to humanity...also sighing...

  12. Awesome commercial. And hey, Yellow Dog Granny, don't insult the Neanderthals! They possesed compasion and ethics...O'Reiley has neither.

  13. YAY for McDonald's!!

  14. Whoa! Really? I'm impressed!!

  15. Honest and tasteful...just like a certain blogger I know. Smooches.

  16. we’d never have an ad like that here!!

  17. This should be on all channels! Shame on the US and Canada for not playing it!

    I agree though - it's kind of sad that the Dad is out of the loop - although I get how that ties into the 'reveal' of the commercial.

  18. Warms my little heart - maybe someday here....someday.


  19. I'm conflicted about whether to be delighted that McD's has made a commercial like this, or punch a hole in the wall at the blatant pandering and emotional manipulation.

    Maybe I just want a burger?


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