Tuesday 15 June 2010

Thank God for Bigots!

In the 1990s, I was quite active in Winnipeg's GLBTTQ community where I learned and honed some valuable political organizing skills. A long-time gay rights activist with whom I worked had a favourite saying which I heard over and over again. Every time some bigot would shoot off his or her mouth in the media or otherwise commit some ignorant act towards our community, he would smile gleefully and exclaim "Thank God for bigots!"

And he genuinely meant it too. In his view, bigots give our community the greatest (unintentional) gift of all -- a free platform for media attention and political visibility which we can use to counteract their hateful ignorance and advance our own cause. Each instance of bigotry is, in fact, a wonderful opportunity for us to respond in the media with reason and common sense. If not for bigots, how else could we ever hope to have a chance to educate the public on such a large scale?

So in that spirit -- Thank You Bigots for your (continuing) role in advancing equal rights for the GLBTTQ community!


  1. amen, sistah!

    i have many friends of all sexual persuasions... i may be straight, but not narrow [minded]

  2. Every time a bigot opens their mouth, they show themselves up for the stupid, ill-advised moron that they are! Is that a bigoted thing for me to say?!? ;o)

    But seriously, there's a certain section of the UK population (a rather LARGE section) who read particular, bigoted daily newspapers and spout those words of 'wisdom' as if they were gospel (for want of a better word!) :o(

  3. Tea baggers unite! Wait, what?

  4. ~for all you share with us...good bad and the ugly but mostly funny i have something for you waiting on my blog...sneak over and take a peak...you are a bright light that shines in my day to day! warm wishes and brightest blessings~

  5. If ignorance is bliss these guys must truly be orgasmic ;0)

  6. is it just me or do you find the big mouth bigots to be a bit suspicious. i always assume they are the closeted gays!

  7. I think having "bigots" in our world is a rather mixed blessings. On one hand as you mentioned that one can take the attitude that what doesn't kill you makes you stronger, but then on the other hand, those bigots are the same ones, that lead to concentration camps because of a fanatic, spreads more hate in the world and holds great sway over gay people not having the right to marry. They make me angry. May you never be hurt by a bigot and stay strong and proud of who you are, Debra!

  8. Good point! I think the more outrageous they are as society changes, they isolate themselves and make their cause look ridiculous.

  9. I would think that bigots do help the cause, and I believe that the so called redneck behavior shows the lack of education out there. sometimes I think people are scared of what they know nothing about. great post. take care my friend.

  10. Well said! God bless the closed minded, for they help others become enlightened!

  11. I never could unerstand how these people have the time and energy to meddle with other people's sex life. Shouldn't they be more concerned about the 15 million children dying of hunger every year? :(

  12. I'm of the school of thought that those who are the most vocal objectors usually have the most to hide.

    The guy in the green shirt in the pix looks like a big ol' closeted mo.

    These are the same people that say 'Jesus Hates Fags'. The fact that they put Jesus and hate in the same sentence speaks volumes about their own character and beliefs.

    I may be a homo, but they're all hypos (crits).

  13. Wow look at all those scared and uneducated little people in the picture... they look like fools! The best is when the mess up the spelling on their signs!!!

  14. OMG...i might be a hoarder. it never even crossed my mind. well, not no more! I cleaned that sucker out today. i have such a load to take back to the thrift store and then tomorrow i finish the garage. then i tackle the basement. good lord....i am a hoarder i think!!! this is potentially embarrassing!

  15. ..oh and the bigots are an endless source of entertainment - I could read those signs all day and laugh and laugh....and laughing is good for you right? :D

    Great post as always, thanks for sharing.


  16. I’m praying for us all...

    Thank you so much for your cool comment...Wow! Dwight Yoakum moves!!! Never thought of that!! If only I had those thighs to go with the moves...nice compliment...I’ll take it!! Yay for you Debra who is spreading the word...

  17. every time a bigot speaks a fairy's heart breaks.

  18. I hadn't thought of it that way before...hmm...

    And I LOVE the sign that says "We Don't hate homos" and "Repent or Perish" side by side. lol

  19. Your activist friend was very wise! I'm not as evolved though. I'm trying - but I'll still throw a string of curse words at some ignorant ass-hat. Some day I'll grow up...


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