Friday 20 August 2010

Stonehenge, Part 2

So it was on September 10th of 2009 that we headed off to Stonehenge in our little tour van. We stopped and had a lovely dinner at a nearby country pub called The Wheatsheaf. Those who wanted to garb in ritual wear before entering Stonehenge changed in the bathroom and then we were off again. We mustn't be late if we wanted to make full use of our one hour of private access to Stonehenge before sunset!

There is a major highway that runs right past Stonehenge (and I mean right past). On one side of the highway is the parking lot, ticket office and gift shop for Stonehenge. On the other side is Stonehenge. So you must park and enter where required on that side of the highway and then walk through a tunnel under the highway to actually get to Stonehenge on the other side.

In this aerial shot, you can see the dark slot parallel to the highway where the tunnel surfaces. Then you walk along the paved pathway to Stonehenge. This shot also gives a good view of the earthenwork henge ditch around Stonehenge.

I must admit to feeling quite overcome with emotion on emerging from the tunnel and seeing Stonehenge rise before me. It was hard to believe I was actually there and about to enter one of the earth's most sacred pagan sites.

Monday's post -- our Druid ceremony at Stonehenge . . . .

[All photos by my Rare One except for the aerial shot]


  1. I'm loving your travel posts on England, Debra! Each time I see Stonehenge I'm in awe and it is, like you said, breathtaking.

    Can't wait until Monday :-) Have a great weekend.


  2. Thanks for taking the time to give us this tour. I look forward to it.

  3. Wow! Just wow!

    I can't wait for your post on Monday.

  4. Oh I will someday see this for myself. Lovely post!

  5. Thanks for sharing your journey. Love your posts!


  6. Thank you for sharing your visit with us and giving us a a tour. I hope that one day I will get to visit the Tor, the Chalice Well and Stonehenge among other things.

  7. ah, the very road that I almost met my maker at!

  8. W*O*W! And Double W*O*W!!

    yes...the goosbumps are beginning to appear....

  9. WOW from me too! Looking forward to Monday's entry. Learning so much is this blogisphere!

  10. Wow, what an amazing experience to have had!

  11. Thanks for these great posts. Its a place I am dying to see

  12. Would so love to visit there. I was pleasantly surprised to see that Google Street views allows you to "tour" within the site.


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