Monday 16 August 2010

The Standing Stones

It has been almost a year since my Rare One and I went on our spiritual pilgrimage to various sacred pagan spots in England. I've already blogged about our magickal, Goddessy, King Arthury experiences in Glastonbury and Cornwall (if you missed those posts but still want to read them, just click on Travel over at the sidebar's labels cloud). So now only one other subject remains -- our visits to the ancient Stone Circles at Avebury, Stanton Drew and Stonehenge. Our Druidy experiences, so to speak, among the Standing Stones.

That will be my topic all this week and a bit of the next -- so tomorrow, please join me at Avebury!

[Painting by D. Bruce Bennett of Bennett Celtic Art]


  1. I would love to travel to England/Ireland and do such a thing as you... I can not wait for your post this week

  2. I am looking forward to it. I love those magical spots.

  3. I'm really looking forward to your post on Avebury. I went there the first time this year (can't believe it took me so long as it's only a couple of hours away from us) and it was amazing.

  4. I would be thrilled to go visit Stonehenge some day. Just imagining myself there and connecting with the ancients energizes me.

  5. My dream journey is to England, Scotland and Wales. In the meantime I'll live vicariously so I'm looking forward to your post.

  6. I'm so envious. But you gave me a great idea for a post, so I'm stealing it Ms. Debra, hope you don't mind. I'm going to post about the sacred places I've visited. REALLY looking forward to hearing your Druid experiences, you always manage to either make me laugh or go "wow!"

  7. Very cool. Definately looking forward to this and reading the previous posts. Heading to Cornwall for a week and Bath for a few days after my trip to Scotland. Since I have never been to Cornwall, really looking forward to the information.


  8. I look forward to hearing all about your experiences there. It's trip that on my list of travels someday!!!

  9. When i went to Stonehenge, I pulled my rental car out of the lot into the wrong side of the road and saw the whites of the eyes of a man in the lane coming straight at me. So, Stonehenge has a significance to me too. Almost met my end there.

  10. I can't wait...and wish I could be there in person.

  11. Avebury and Stonehenge have been on my list of msut sees- I'll be awaited your blog with bated breath

  12. One day I hope to get to Cornwall. It's one of my bucketlist things to do. Great post and see ya back here tomorrow.

  13. as you know my ancestry is in Cornwall [I truly believe I am related to King Arthur.. even though some may say it is a myth.. but what is a myth really?]

    and I am going there oneday soon.. as well as to Avebury, so I cannot wait to read your tales.

    did you know that I am going to Uluru & the Olgas in October? Our own sacred site here in Australia..

  14. There are not enough hours in the day to spend blogging...I love anything Arthurian, and will have to go back to check out your old posts!

    But first, the stone circles...


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