Monday 27 September 2010

HRH's Hot Date (Part 1)

Unbeknownst to me, my cat has started flirting with a cat who lives down the street. Oh don't worry -- the vet took care of that little issue years ago. But still, Her Royal Highness does enjoy attracting male attention from time to time. And on Saturday night, HRH had a Hot Date.

Well, of course, she had to get all gussied up for it. First, a nice pedicure . . .

. . . and then it was off to the beauty salon . . .

. . . for a wash and set . . .

. . . and a professional comb-out (what, my brushing isn't good enough anymore?)

But I must admit, the results were stunning.

Promptly at the appointed hour on Saturday evening, there was a yowling and a scratching at the front door and . . . there he was! HRH's Hot Date!

[Like any good soap opera, to be continued . . . .]


  1. ...and now for a brief paws?...har har har har.

  2. Oh no! Not another cat, with "Big Ideas"!



  3. That cat with the rollers is just too cute. I would love to see the finished product.

  4. Oh,the sweet and stylish angel with whiskers !

  5. omg...that cat with the velcro rollers is hysterical! i think if you use a glue gun and buy the sequins that come on rolls like ribbon it would he quick and easy to make those pumpkins.

  6. Oh my! The things we women will do to attract the attention of a suitor!

  7. Curler Cat!!!

    (Rollers interfere with naps.)

  8. I think Dexter would like to know more of the d-tails too..

  9. lol...that's the sweetest thing!!!! I love it!!

  10. You always crack me up, this was a great way to get in my Monday morning giggle exercise. I am just so glad you didn't photograph her highness getting her bikini wax.

  11. Quick! Get a camera crew together and videotape their courtship!

  12. LOL - the hair salon cat is just creepy!

  13. Too cute! Guys have it a lot easier....whew!

  14. *bites her nails in anticipation* he a prince? Or a scoundrel? Hopefully both! Can't wait to hear what happens. Kinda sad when a cat's life is more exciting than mine...

  15. How cute is that, can't wait to see, what does HRH stand for. take care.

  16. Well, of course Ms. Queen loves the attention and beauty rituals.. After all they were worshiped thousands of years ago and they have never forgotten that, lol...


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