Wednesday 1 September 2010

Labyrinths: Walking the Sacred Path

The popularity of walking a labyrinth as a spiritual exercise has enjoyed an amazing resurgence over the past 15 years or so in both the Pagan and Christian communities. I first experienced the power of a labyrinth on the Summer Solstice in 1997 and immediately fell in love with this ancient form of walking meditation. Since then, I have walked many labyrinths -- some close to home and some far afield. I'd like to share some of my favourites with you so I'm starting this new series of blog posts discussing labyrinths I have known and loved. As usual, the series will not be sequential and there may well be gaps between postings on this particular subject. But come along with me anyway and together we'll walk the sacred path!


  1. I do look forward to this series, Debra.
    A couple of years back, I was in Nepal on work, and visited the Pashupathinath Temple. The place was really crowded, and I beat a hasty retreat, but a couple of meters away, there was a waist high labyrinth with 108 turns, and at the end of it was an image of Shiva. I am not a person who is either particularly religious, or fond of rituals, but that was an experience I have never forgotten.

  2. I love labyrinths. I just sent for this kit from Barnes @ Noble of labyrinths you can color in. Kiddie stuff, perhaps, but supposedly a great stress reliever.

  3. Would love to! I like walking meditations....very soothing. I don't know if there are any labyrinths in this 'neck of the woods'.....will have to check.

    You asked if I my element was earth. I am a Cancer and I believe mine is water and my planet is the Moon. Funny thing, I just p.icked up a book, The Complete Book of Astrology by Caitlin Johnstone on Monday.
    Always been interested in learning more about astrology.
    Love the bottom picture with the cat.

  4. I don't think we have any in my area. Too deep in the Bible belt I suppose.

  5. I love labyrinths! I have one on my bedroom wall. :o)

  6. love the picture of the cat... I can not wait to hear of your adventures and the many labyrinths you have traveled.

  7. I am excited about this series of posts from you. And I especially love the photo of that little black cat.

    How's the weather there? We're chilly in Calgary. Only a high of 12 today. Definitely feels like Fall.

    Take care. xx

  8. How about a labyrinth with hand rails? For the older and less sure on their feet? 'Cause I have to pay so much attention to my footing, that I'd never get any meditation good out of the walk. Sad... But... True.

    I know. I know. I'm supposed to have done something like Tai Chi, for years. And then I'd be sure of my balance. Tooooooooo late. -sigh-

  9. Mary has my solution! Without hand rails, even! She commented; "...of labyrinths you can color in."

    Thank you Mary!

  10. ~i have always been fascinated in labyrinths...though never walked for me a welcomed journey i can experiennce now through you! one day i hope to see and walk atleast one...look forward to your adventures shared...warm wishes and brightest blessings~

  11. I've been blessed to do two lab. walks. One in a mystery school (which btw I think is made for you) email for details and then when I went to grad. school we learned about the whole idea of spirals and labyrinth's and went to a pretty nice one in S.F. I LOVE the shot of the cat walking. Is that you Debra shape-shifting : ) I can't wait to see more of this series!

  12. Can you promise me some David Bowie in a gigantic cod piece dancing with muppets?

  13. Knox United in downtown Calgary has a labyrinth and I've been dying to try it. My mom and her partner walked one and they sid it was an amazing experience!

  14. That cat picture is just too cute. Looking forward to the series.

  15. I would love to walk on one of those. I've never heard or seen of them before. Right now, I feel like I'm undergoing an 'awakening', and it would be incredible to walk on a spiritual labyrinth right now!

  16. I've only done one walking meditation around a room in a buddhist monastery- but I found that walking and chanting is very conducive to trance- which was amazing.
    I do love the cat picture :)

  17. I'm looking forward to this series, Debra. I haven't walked any spiritual labyrinths but got lost many times in Hampton Court Maze (I guess that doesn't count!)

  18. have you ever heard of the small town called lilydale in new york? you can google it to read about it. i have actually thought of buying a house there. it is thought to be one of the most important psychic centers in the USA. they have a wonderful little labyrinth there that i love to walk.

  19. I love labyrinths. And the photo of the cat in the labyrinth is fantastic! :)

  20. We have a couple of them here in Toronto, including a large one outside of the largest mall downtown.

  21. they had one at the peace house in Crawford. I'm sure that Bush never walked it..
    I've always wanted one here in West.

  22. I am learning something new and am looking forward to your series of posts. I thought a Labyrinth was a lady who in tuned into hawks...(must have been a movie I saw...) Anyway, I am enlightened. I would LOVE to have one of these in my back yard...come to think of it, I believe one of my neighbors has a bit of a one. How many turns must a good Labyrinth make? I will visit again to learn more...I LOVE the cat walking...great photo, great post!

  23. I really enjoyed learning about Labyrinths and Mazes when I did the posts for the Haunted Gardens Blog earlier this year. And am looking forward to walking these with you. :0)

    Love the last pic!! Priceless!

  24. Kitty on the path! Love that picutre. And I do love both mazies and labyrinths!


  25. Looking forward to this. Love that kitty pic!


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