Friday 10 September 2010

Yeah, what He said . . .

. . . but when I say that I'll "be right back," I mean in just a couple of weeks, not in a couple of thousand years (and counting).

So I'll see you later this month, okay? Just taking a little break from the blogosphere . . . .

And hey, here's the real reason Jesus is so tardy about returning:


  1. Oh my god, so funny!!! Your blog is so much fun. I will miss you but totally understand. Enjoy your blogging break.

  2. Enjoy your blog break Debra... but do come back. Not like Jesus ;-)

  3. Cute cartoon!
    Enjoy your break. Sit back. Relax. Sip some tea. Have a foot massage. Don't worry about us...we'll be fine while you're away.....slaving over a hot keyboard - blogging away. :0)

  4. Leaving us for a while, eh??? You'll be missed...enjoy your vacation...

  5. He can't come back yet. He's still RISING!

    Maybe when he reaches the totally exact limits of our Universe... Maybe he'll hit the edge, and start back down.

    I'm so glad I won't still be waiting.

    Enjoy your Blog Land Break!!!

  6. ~who will fill my morning with such laughter humor and witty words while your away!?! wishing you well and enjoy your time...warm wishes and brightest blesisngs~

  7. Enjoy your break. You will be missed.

  8. that's seriously hilarious!!! have a great break

  9. Chocolate is more enticing than crosses. Enjoy!

  10. I love this!! I believe you'll be back. Don't believe he will though but I loved the captions. Have a great break but we'll miss you while you're gone.

  11. My favorite Jesus cartoons are naughty. Like the one that says "I gave myself to jesus and now he won't call"

  12. We'll miss you, you're humour, and encouraging words . . . love the chocolate cartoon!

  13. Chocolate or no, you are soooo going to that baaaaaaaaad place on the other side. This is good news for me. I won't be alone.

    Enjoy your bread...while you can...har har har.

  14. No, no, no, no...break, BREAK, not bread. OK, enjoy your bread also.

  15. Enjoy your break!

    And I really, really love the comic.... :D

  16. Dear Debra,
    Enjoy your break. I took one earlier in the year and it was wonderful!

    In the meantime, I know you've followed my stuff online for a while so thought I'd let you know that I just launched a new online course, Buddha Chick™. You might want to's pretty Chickie. :-) With love, Jan

  17. Oh, noooooooo! Don't leave us. Ho hum, I guess I should say enjoy your time off. Oh, what am I saying, OF COURSE! Enjoy the break!!

    We'll be here when you get back, my dear.

  18. LOL,LOL,LOL, Now that is funny! enjoy your break, we all need one from time to time. And in reguards to your previous post. Who cares if Keanu Reeves doesn't show a single facial expression. He is still handsome as all hell!!!


  19. I dig you, darlin', I dig you. Funny stuff! Have fun on your break! Don't do anything I wouldn't do....which leaves you open for quite a bit. ;)

  20. Uhm..I'm waiting...the clocks ticking...where are you...come out to play...NOW!

  21. I know in order to give one has to "replenish the well". Your readers aren't going anywhere, well, I'm not. So take in what you need to and I look forward to you being back :)

  22. Have a wonderful break, be here when you get back. be well.

  23. This is what happens when I don't find time to catch up on my blog reading...people disappear!

    Will you come back all glowy like Jesus? Wait...was he glowy? Thomas didn't recognize him, right? But I think we'll always recognize our sassy Debra!

    Have fun - whatever you are up to!

  24. brb... bring your brolly... you're abut to be shit upon, from a great height! :O lol

  25. Enjoy your time away from blogland, Debra..a break is always good for the soul! Because I know you share my love of mystical magical places, I stopped by to suggest you check out the post I did today on Egypt. I think you might like really is amazing to stand in the midst of all that history. I'm sending the link in case you're interested...

    Talk to you when you're back online...



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