Sunday 31 October 2010

Happy Halloween! Samhain Blessings!

Welcome, my pretties, to our haunted mansion! Bwahahaha!

While this fabulously decorated house is (unfortunately) just a photo from teh interwebz and not our real home, I can assure you that the following pumpkins were actually carved by my Rare One and me last Halloween to decorate our front steps.

I chose to carve a bubbling cauldron of witchy goodness . . .

. . . while my Rare One went for a celestial look featuring a lovely translucent Crone Moon with completely cut out stars!

Here's a shot of our pumpkins together. Alas, it's too dark to see our black rubber rats (Cardinal Ratzinger and Archbishop Fang) but I assure you they're there too.

Don't be scared by any rustling or yowling you may hear as you walk up our sidewalk . . .

. . . because our cat, Her Royal Highness, will protect you. Either that, or kill you and eat your eyeballs with her ghoulish friends. We'll see how it goes.


  1. Love HRH's costume!

    Happy Halloween! May the coming year bring happiness and harmony, good health and prosperity to your hearth.

  2. I wanna' come to your house!!!

    Happy! Happy!

  3. fabulous post:) Happy Samhain to you both:)

  4. ~oh my goodness...thats one freakish little kitty! l♥ve your pumpkins...did you use a pattern on your cauldron or simply on your own!?! well my are back in the nick of time...samhain blessings to you and yours this day....much l♥ve and light to forever shine brightly upon you both...warm wishes and brightest blessings~

  5. Happy Halloween to you too! What great pumpkins!

  6. Happy Halloween! Samhain! Dia de los muertos!


  7. Happy Halloween - wishing you and your Rare One many Samhain blessings.

  8. Welcome back, Debra! Your pumpkins are gorgeous. I don't think I'd have the skill to create magickal ones like those. My "girls" have told me they plan on flying on over on their own private broomsticks tonight to visit Her Royal Higness. Wishing you a blessed Samhain.

  9. Happy Halloween! I love that house:)

  10. I love the pumpkins! I haven't tried anything beyond the plain vanilla gap-toothed grin, but yours are fantastic. You're so talented.

  11. Happy Samhain to you and yours and many blessings to your hearth. :)

  12. Your eerily delightful pumpkins have set the mood for my day, as they have taken over my thoughts, where surely they will stay! Thank~yous be yours! And O what I would not give for a room to the ceiling with Candy Corns!

    Happy Halloween! May all good things come to you today, especially chocolate!

    Merry Spirit Night!
    Cellar Door

  13. Happy Halloween and Samhain Blessings to you and your Rare One. May the you both have a blessed and magickal year.

  14. Happy Halloween. Fantastic job done on those pumpkins.

  15. happy Halloween...great pumpkins

  16. Are you back, are you back, are you back?

  17. Wonderful Halloween did a great job carving those pumpkins.



  18. May your Halloween be filled with lots of chocolate kisses and Pumpkin seed wishes! Love your pumpkin carvings, The Rare One did a very creative carving.

  19. CooL Pumpkins Debra and Rare One! Happy Halloween.

  20. Boo to you too! I just love the pumpkins! This is just to much fun today. Im enjoying some good ole horror movies on the tcm! Happy Halloween!

  21. Yikes! Great pumpkin carvers you are! Trust you had a good Samhain.

  22. You are talented! I'm hoping to get a shot of our 4 very sad little jack-o-lanterns tonight after dark, but they definitely won't look as good as yours. Happy Halloween!

  23. Lovely carving! How did you create the cat's 'costume?' Fun...though my two black kitties wouldn't stand for it...

  24. Love the pumpkins. Hope you had a good Samhain.

  25. Those pumpkins are bee-ootiful!

  26. Those pumpkins are amazing. Happy Halloween.

  27. OMG...that skeleton cat!!! Oh I love your pumpkins,

  28. this is the first year that I can remember that I didn't decorate or carve a pumpkin or make something for trick or treaters..but then? everything is in boxes and kids don't come here to trick or treat..and to top it off I forgot to go and take pictures..sigh*
    your pumpkins are wonderful.

  29. Love the pumkins, and the skeleton cat is fantastic!

  30. Sadly we don't celebrate All Hallow's here and because Laurent is away this year we didn't do our usual pumpkins.

    Thanks for letting me share in your All Hallows feast.


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