Thursday 14 October 2010

Prolific Blogger Award!

Thank you so much, Laura of Shine the Divine: Creativity Is a Spiritual Practice, for considering me to be a prolific blogger! When I first started blogging, I tried to post every day. But that's hard to keep up. So now I've moved to weekday blogging but that's still 5 posts a week! I'm pretty regular in my habits *cough* OCD *cough* and I guess that goes for blogging too.

This award has a few rules attached to it:

1. Link to the blog of the person from whom you receive the award -- see above.

2. Link to the blog of the person who created the award -- Hazra of Advance Booking -- where the origins and motivation of the award are explained.

3. At the Advance Booking blog, enter your blog name in Mr. Linky so that there's a complete list of recipients.

4. Pass the award on to 7 other prolific bloggers. (As always, participation is completely voluntary -- if you don't feel like accepting or passing it on, don't feel obligated to do so!)

Okay, here are 7 of my favourite bloggers who can ALWAYS be counted on to have at least one new post to read most of the time. Plus each post is sure to be thought-provoking and entertaining, whether they've written it personally or reposted some interesting item from elsewhere. Please check out their blogs -- you won't be disappointed!

1. Brahm at alfred lives here

3. Rayna M. Iyer at Coffee Rings Everywhere

4. Mother Moon at Mother Moon's Message

5. Laughingwolf at paws and reflect

6. rose is a rose at ravings of a semi-sane madwoman

7. Mary/mxtodis123 at Moontides


  1. Congrats on the award, and on blogging 5 days a week! These days, I'm lucky if I can get one post in every other week. I'm hoping that'll change in the near future!
    Happy Thursday!

  2. Congrats to you! Well deserved!
    I enjoy my visits here. :0)

  3. Hey...great!
    I love your posts. I think the award is well deserved.

  4. Hey, congrats Debra on the award. You certainly deserve it Missy! Your posts are always full of interesting stuff. No pressure though.....

  5. awwwwwww thx deb! :x

    grats to you, as well! :)

  6. Congrats, Debra. You so deserve this award...and I thank you so much for passing it on to me. I so enjoy coming to your blog. Many times when I have been feeling down, you have brought joy to my life.

  7. Yay for you and Yay for Brahm! Well Yay for those other people too but I don't know them. Yet. Maybe I should go lick them.

  8. Good for you dear blogger....I always enjoy stopping in to see what you are up do.



  9. you are so welcome and this is most certainly well deserved!!!xoxoxo

  10. Congratulations! Not only is your site very good, but I must commend you for paying such close attention to other folks' blogs! Thanks-- Carry on!

  11. thanks so much for thinking of me... a bit behind I am but then I have had a whirlwind of a last week.... thanks again and congrats to the others...


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