Monday 4 October 2010

Sunshine Award!

Last month, Edain from English, Pagan and In Canada! blessed me with a Sunshine Award! Edain and her blog are always bright, sunny and entertaining so it's a real honour to receive it from her.

I'm a big believer in the power of positive thinking, optimism and looking on the bright side of things. Of course there's a lot of crap in life -- I know that perfectly well. Sooner or later we all have to walk a dark path into the forbidding abyss. But then, like Persephone returning from the underworld with Spring in tow, we will rise and walk in the sunshine once more.

And walking in the sunshine is what this award celebrates! So now I'm passing this award on to 10 bloggers whose positivity and creativity are inspiring! Some of these bloggers seem to be naturally chock full of sunshine while others work darn hard at it -- but they all make the blogosphere a sunnier, happier place!

(And as always, blogger buddies, don't feel obligated to accept or pass this award on unless you want to!)

2. Sophie at from sophie's view

3. Judy at JudysPhotos

4. Lynette at Imagination Lane

5. The cats at Pişi & Squeak

7. Suzie at Suzie Ridler

9. Heidi at twelve18


  1. Congratulations on your well-deserved reward. LOVE the labyrinths, btw... Have a replica of one on my bedroom wall - bought from Tintagel, Cornwall - not far from the Museum of Witchcraft! ;o)

  2. Congrats on a well-deserved award.

  3. oh wow! I am so honored! Thanks a lot! You are awesome! :o)

    This shall be on my blog tomorrow!

  4. Congrats to you! Well deserved! :0)

    And I whole heartedly agree - a positive outlook on life will bring you many benefits. Including less wrinkles on your face! :0)

  5. Congratulations! I like this award and you certainly make me smile!

    Thanks for sending it on to me!!!!

  6. Congratulations! You totally deserve it, you always brighten my day with your fun comments and fabulous posts. Thank you so much for the honour. It means so much to me. :) Glad you enjoyed the scarecrows! Isn't Mahone Bay unbelievable?

  7. Woo hoo!!! I agree whole heartedly, your blog brightens my day!

  8. Hi Debra! Thanks so much! What a nice surprise for a Monday morning. You deserve the award!Generously sprinkling your great thoughts and comments around the blogosphere.
    Very kind of you to think of me:)

  9. Well, Thank you...glad you think my blog is filled with Sunshine...I try...

  10. Congrats on the award - well deserved!

  11. congrats on the award and now i have a bunch of new blogs to check out! i eat a mostly vegetarian diet. pretty funny considering how much meat i cook! a pumpkin is a pumpkin as far as i am concerned. they are all worthy!

  12. I quite agree, Debz. It's always a good thing to spread sunshine. And thanks for sharing these blogs. I'll have to check them out!

  13. Odd to scope out your recommendations.

  14. Congrats my dear! And I agree...thanks for sharing the new blogs with us!


  15. Y-O-U have put a big smile on my floppy eared chops! Thank you so much and I will continue to T-R-Y to put a smile on all faces (or at least 'a turn up on the lip section' of your visage).

  16. Thanks so much Debra...your generosity and kindness serve to generate sunshine in me!!!

    gentle steps dear one

  17. Congratulations, and I am so glad there are people like you with a good attitude. I tend to be a shade dweller. ;-)

  18. Thank you Debra! Pisi & Squeak and I are very happy to accept this award -- we just have to figure out how to do that! Pisi is sitting on my lap as I write this, and she's purring away and saying, "You'll figure it out, won't you mom? You always do."

    Thanks again! Have a great one!

  19. You are most certainly deserving of this award, Debra! Your posts are consistently positive, inspiring and entertaining, not to mention humourous.I can always count on a smile when I drop by to visit!!

    And thank you so much for passing the kindness along to me. I'm slow to get back on track after my holiday, but will
    happily grab the award to post on my page. I will also check out some of your other links...much appreciated!


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