Thursday 21 October 2010

World-Wide Labyrinth Locator

Want to find a labyrinth near you? Simply click here and type your city, state/province and country into the World-Wide Labyrinth Locator. If you're in the U.S.A., you can also search within a selected radius of your city. The Locator lists many labyrinths around the globe.

But don't stop just at the Locator! Some labyrinths aren't listed there because, for whatever reason, their owner/operators have not registered their information with the Locator. For example, when I search my city of Edmonton, the Locator lists 8 labyrinths but I know for a fact there are several more.

So it's also worthwhile to do a google search of your city's name plus the word "labyrinth." As well, take a look at advertisements in local alternative or New Age magazines and monitor bulletin boards found in spiritual bookstores or shops in your area (both New Age and Christian). They're all a good source of info!

Who knows what wonders you will find?

[First image by Tony Demille. Second image by unknown source.]


  1. ~debra...THANK YOU THANK YOU for sharing this...i have never heard of labyrinths in our area and i just came back from your little link here and there are quite a few...looks like i have some walking to do!! much l♥ve nad light to you~

  2. Thank you so much for positing one. I actually found one here in New York City. Worth checking out. I can't wait.

  3. Only you Ariadne, would steer us to a Labyrinth finder. I love it, thank you!

  4. That's an awesome locator! Very cool!!!!

  5. wow, that is cool. I knew about the one in Crawford..but there is one in Waco too.thanks for that..super woman.

  6. Very cool! Thanx for the link to the Labyrinth Locator. I'm going to share it with my sister. She'll find it quite useful. I was quite surprised to find out how many labyrinths there are in Arkansas.

  7. I had no idea there were so many in my area! Thanks for this. Now I know what I'm going to do the next time I get a day to myself!!

  8. Awesome and bless you for sharing this. I have found some near me that I need to check out! And thanks for your comment on my blog. Love having you over to visit lately.

  9. Thank you for your posting - I'm a big fan of labyrinths after having first been introduced to them several years ago at my place of work where a traveling labyrinth was brought in for a day. There's a lovely labyrinth at Kripalu Yoga and Health Center in Lenox, MA near where I live and it's always a significant moment when I visit it. Warm regards, Susan

  10. thanks tons!!!! xo
    see you when you return ~ Beltane for me :)

  11. Bless you, lady! 7 listed for Cowtown, thought the 2 I know of aren't. Most inside for obvious craptacular weather, but I guess we take what we can get. The one I'd love to make a regular visit is an hour outside of town and built outside in a beauuuuutiful retreat setting. I think you'd love it if you ever found yourself down here. King's Fold.

  12. soooooo cool thanks! I now need to find out if the one's near me are wheelchair friendly for those hard to walk days. Thanks Debra!

  13. Awesome, THANK YOU! :)

  14. There are about 18 Labyrinths in this vicinity! Wow!

  15. thankyou for this - I found a labyrinth about 20 mins from my home.. and it is open to the public!


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