Friday 12 November 2010

Christmas Rush

My busiest time of year is at hand -- the Christmas rush! I hate crowds, so I always try to get my Christmas shopping done early -- by the end of November, if possible. Then there's sending cards, putting up the tree, decorating, wrapping gifts. All the holiday socializing in December. Places to go, people to see. Plus this year we're having company for Christmas as well. Phew, a lot to do!

So my blogging will be a bit sporadic until the New Year, I'm afraid. But I'll still pop up when you least expect me.

And now -- to the mall!


  1. I used to have all my shopping done before Thanksgiving. No more. Don't know when it happened but now I find myself the week of Christmas trying to do all the shopping. My tree will go up and be decorated on Thanksgiving.

  2. *sigh* Guess I'll just go finger a labyrinth until you return.

  3. Sheesh! I know exactly how that Santa feels! Just remember to take time for yourself now and then.

  4. Where do you get those awesome images??!!! That really does sum up the craziness of this time of year. I am hoping that the only craziness for me is from Christmas baking. I hope you manage to enjoy a little of the anarchy. I hate crowds too BTW! Sending you calming energy...

  5. did some of my last shopping this week.. I am so glad it is almost done... makes for such a more relaxing holiday season.

  6. I think we all get lost in the madness of the holidays, even when we would rather be a bear (talking about myself here) and hibernate until all the decking the halls is over ;) I love that you reassure us that you're not abandoning us and know as well we won't give up and walk away on you either, Debra ;)

  7. Good luck with the shopping and look forward to seeing you drop in :-)



  8. Hey Deb, Thanks for the warning!lol
    Yes, this is a busy time. A labyrinth could be just what you may need along the way.....till New Years.
    Thanks for the labyrinth sites.....they will be used....already have been.

  9. That's a hoot!! I love this funny crazy Santa picture. It is too true how hectic Xmas can be. I'm usually finished by October. I try throughout the year when there are good sales. It doesn't hurt the pocket book as much that way. No crowds.

  10. enjoy the season, visit when you can.

  11. Me again. To answer your question regarding the Hfx. Market. It is a new location down on the waterfront....not far from the Brewery market which is still there. Some of the vendors there didn't want to move. So we have two now.

  12. Happy Xmas Shopping Days to you and yours!

  13. It's busy here in Cape Town too - as now all of our married family (and in-laws) live nearby. We are at the moment involved in the 'great debate' as to who shall host Christmas Day this year and who (with suspected hangers-on) is to be invited. We must all remember to draw on the Christmas spirit!

  14. Don't get too worn out now! >,-) But ENJOY!!!

    Gentle hugs...

  15. I just finished my shopping this week. I have one more package to send out and the cards just need stamps on them. Getting it done early is my gift to myself!! Now I can focus on baking and stuffing myself. Expect to see much more of me by January! Heh heh.

  16. that picture is too funny...

    enjoy the holidays...

    i'll be checking in...

    kary and teddy

  17. OH GOSH, I am DREADING the rush, but I LOVE the pic of the Vespa with the frantic Santa!

    I think I'll be posting a bit more irregularly now too. It is just that time of the year.

    I wish you MENTAL HEALTH!

    Sharon Lovejoy Writes from Sunflower House and a Little Green Island

  18. I used to have my shopping done early too...I'm not sure what happened though. I seem to be shopping up to the last minute these days. Perhaps I'll do it all online this year! Avoid the stores all together!

    Do find some time to sit and enjoy yourself though!

  19. First, Your pic is too fun!!!
    I know poor gramar but it makes sense to me...
    Finally getting around to visiting - Hope your Samhain was wonderful & brings magick & blessings to you & your loved ones!

  20. Santa can just leave me that Vespa!

  21. Don't apologize. And don't be too busy either. No one should be busy at Christmas time.

  22. ~you know the saying...never drive faster than your guardian angel can fly...santa must have one hell of a turbo speed angel along his side...this is hilarious!!! happy shopping and celebrating and simply enjoying the season ahead!! we actually convinced my husband to start early this year...go so quickly...much l♥ve and light upon you both~

  23. OOh gosh, my puter's been down and almost missed this. Haven't started my shopping yet and dread it. I originally wanted to make everyone something, but guess I'll start after the New Year for next year...(think that is some kind of a New Year resolution that I make every year. hmmmm)

  24. dinna fergit the yule log, lassie ;)

  25. Why is it that Christmas, which is one day, makes us all crazy???

  26. only one that is getting a gift this year is buddha boy...everyone is getting baked goods..and I like it much better.


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