Thursday 4 November 2010

Finger Labyrinths

An alternative to walking a labyrinth with your feet is to walk a labyrinth with your fingers instead! These "finger labyrinths" are portable and handy for indoor use when a meditative experience is desired. They are made out of a variety of materials, such as plaster, ceramic, wood or plastic, and usually feature a grooved unicursal path.

Some finger labyrinths are very small and are designed to fit in the palm of your hand, like this pewter one. A stylus is often used to trace the path of these tiny labyrinths.

Finger labyrinths can also be made of cloth or paper, traceable directly by your finger or by pushing a small bead or token around the circuits. Labyrinths on paper can also be coloured with pencils or crayons as a meditative experience, in the same way as mandalas frequently are.

Finger labyrinths can often be purchased in spiritual bookstores or gift stores and may also be ordered from the many, many websites which sell them. But if you want a finger labyrinth that is really quick, easy and cheap, you can just print a basic Cretan or Chartres labyrinth design off the internet, enlarge it as needed on the computer or photocopier, and away you go!

As the old Yellow Pages slogan used to say: Let Your Fingers Do the Walking!


  1. My sister has a finger labyrinth made from pewter (similar to the one you show) which she has had for many, many years. She carries in her purse. She uses it frequently.

  2. Now this is really cool...I want the one that fits in your hand...I'm going shopping...

  3. Yeppers, the old Yellow Pages had it right! I'd not have to worry about a hand rail, doing a finger labyrinth. :-)

  4. I've seen these before and have always been tempted to get one for myself. They remind me of creating mandalas with the meditative quality. How about one for a kitty where you guide their paws? ;) On the other hand your "Royal Higness" might bite your hand like mine would. I would love one of these though.

  5. I am going to be getting myself one. For now I have a coloring set of labyrinths...about 80 different kinds in the box that I work at coloring in when I get stressed. The set came with its own pencils, but I bought more so I can have many different colors...and it really does work.

  6. Do you have any idea how hard I'm biting my tongue right now?

  7. Elly @ Bugginword -- Yes, yes, I do. And I thank you for your restraint!

  8. ~there is one i have had on my wish list for some time...holidays are coming and fingers are crossed...hehehe...i l♥ve that they are small and portable...a simple way to calm oneself...i have the sand zen gardens for our family...a powerful tool to use for my littles and i have often thought they could use the labyrinth as well! i am sitting here thinking why ever did i not think to start with simply printing one off...i tell ya! thank you for sharing this post with us...much l♥ve and light to you adn yours~ a few welcomed days to come...a wee little package shall arrive!!!

  9. Good morning....what a great concept....I am always looking for ways to calm my mind for meditation....I have a circular brick walkway in my backyard but this is even more convenient.



  10. Great post. I do have one in my works perfectly when I need to focus or calm down....which is rare cause I NEVER want to rant or anything like that....especially this time of year! :D


  11. I love this idea. I think I might look into getting one of these for myself.

  12. i have something daughter sent me a slug that someone had carved a Buddha on it and it's raised image is very soothing ..I rub it while I'm sitting in recliner or on the computer and reading something..

  13. This is cool! I'm always on the lookout for things like this because my autistic child is super-tactile and can be soothed with anything he can run his hands and feet over. Brilliant!

  14. I swear you really do know about every libyrinths these is known to man!!!!! And talk about letting your fingers do the walking!

  15. These are awesome! What a great stress reducer. I'm thinking, instead of a passenger in the front seat, I need one of these labybrinths there. Nah, I'm not so bad anymore.

    Thanks for sharing!!

  16. These are a great idea. Thanks. I just finished a mandala-type labyrinth and will definitelt look for one of these finger ones.

  17. I once walked a labyrinth taped to a gym floor. Even in that environment it was very cool.

  18. wonderful idea....must make me one of those....

  19. i hope to contrust a labyrinth in our top field... this is a good interim until then. :)


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