Friday 26 November 2010

It's Grey Cup Weekend!

The Canadian Football League championship game is being played this Sunday in Edmonton and apparently we're all Hot to Huddle! Because that's the only way to keep warm at the outdoor game . . . well, apart from lots of booze and 10 layers of winter clothing. In 2002, the last time Edmonton hosted the Grey Cup, the slogan was Party in Your Parka! Heh heh heh.

Actually, the weather forecast for Sunday afternoon's game is a balmy -5°C, which is pretty darn good considering that it was -28°C just a couple of nights ago.

This year the Big Game is between the Montreal Alouettes (Eastern Canada Champions) and the Saskatchewan Roughriders (Western Canada Champions) -- the same teams as last year. And it'll be a real grudge match too. Being a Westerner, I must (of course) cheer for Saskatchewan. Go Riders Go!


  1. If you are going, have a great time!

    If you are staying home and watching it on tv, may you have just as great a time. Plus, be warm.

    I'm old. I vote for tv. -grin-

  2. I vote for tv...just too dang cold! But, have fun whatever you do.

  3. I too am a westerner I suppsoe so go Riders!

  4. Now if I only knew what they were doing out there on the field, I may enjoy it!!! Enjoy the game.

  5. Very clever slogans!
    I have to admit..even though I'm a Westerner..I'm rooting for the other side;p

  6. Hope your team is a winner and hope, if you are going, that you stay warm and cozy.

  7. That IS balmy! Occasional gloves only!

  8. gooo riders..even if it's freezing, if I had a chance to to to the championship game or stay home and watch it..I'd go..

  9. I hear the zip line has been a big sucess, we are watching from home, and I am a Riders fan, originally from Sask. Have a fun weekend. there will be parties galore.

  10. My sista-in-law(in Edmonton) is a Riders nut too! Oh well, when it's cold you gotta do something to keep warm! Gotta run...I'm full of it today!

  11. Thanks Debra for kind comment on today's post! I saw Margaret T's interview a few weeks back. Fascinating how she has coped and 'gotten through' life. Plan on reading her book.

  12. You can't pay me to sit in the cold. It won't happen. Ever. Blech.


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