Wednesday 10 November 2010

Virtual On-line Labyrinths

Another great way to walk a labyrinth is to use one of the many virtual labyrinths available on teh interwebz. Here are my two favourites:

Labyrinth Online (click here) gives you a choice of designs and "carries" you through the labyrinth, so you don't need to use your cursor. The walk is silent but you can play your own choice of music on a headset or other device if it would enhance the meditation for you. The "button" which travels the labyrinth changes colours as each circuit is completed. It goes through each rainbow colour of the seven chakras. If you want, you can pause the button and then resume the walk at your convenience. You'll enjoy reaching the centre of the labyrinth!

A virtual Chartres labyrinth is available at (click here), source of the cute labyrinth-walking cat photo that everyone liked so much the last time I posted it. This site gives you a choice of being carried through the labyrinth or moving the cursor yourself (click and drag -- not conducive to optimal meditation, in my experience). You also get to choose whether you want photos, text or both to periodically appear during the course of your walk. There's no music though -- this virtual labyrinth is also silent. And you'll enjoy reaching the centre of this one too.

So dare I say it? Of course. Let Your Eyes Do the Walking!


  1. ~i l♥ve this!! thank you so much for sharing these links...not only for me but i think i shall have my littles eyes do some walking too...warm wishes and brightest blessings~

  2. Thank you! I'm off to click .....

  3. thanks for sharing...are your eyes suppose to fuzz out while watching the moving ball???

  4. Took a quick peak and SO COOL! Thank you for sharing these!

  5. Oh just SO cool, Debra! If the Goddess can't go to the Labyrinth, then the Labyrinth can go to here. All hail Debra (a.k.a. Ariadne)! I wonder if my girls will want to walk the labyrinth, like that little black kitteh. Thank you for the virtual labyrinth's, I'm going to walk on over :)

  6. Thanks for this. It's great. I'm gonna check them all out.

  7. *sigh* Maybe I should try this. My shrink keeps yelling at me to try meditation. She's pushy.

  8. Hey Debz, I could really use a labyrinth right now. We've finally moved to NYC, but we're still unpacking. Well, actually I'M the one unpacking since Hubz is working full time. I haven't had time to look for a job yet. One can't prepare for an interview when one cannot find his box of clean underwear.

    Note to self. Pack more than 3 days worth of underwear for a move. I'm all better now, having discovered how to work the pay washing machine in the building.

  9. Wow, what great sites...I shall check them out. Thanks!

  10. Most awesome! Thank you!
    Must share with my sister. :0)

  11. Thanks Debra. I will visit and try these out!


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