Wednesday 1 December 2010

Happy Hanukkah!

Tonight is the first night of Hanukkah and the lighting of the first candle. I've always loved the beautiful symbolism of the Festival of Lights. The sacred eternal flame of the Temple in Jerusalem did not flicker out, as it should have done for lack of oil, but miraculously burned for eight days until more consecrated oil could be prepared.

Similarly, the sacred flame within ourselves is not easily extinguished. May everyone's special inner light burn brightly and help illuminate the world!


  1. Thank you for this beautiful blessing Debra!

  2. Happy Hanukkah to you! Your "special inner light" always brightens my day.

  3. My inner light was burning this morning, so I took some Tums. ;-)

  4. I quite concur, my friend. Happy Hanukkah to all. We can all learn from the lesson, even if we all don't share (or not) the same religion.

    Personally, I don't care for organized religion, but I can appreciate and respect all points of view. Besides, we're all trying to get to the same place, right? We're all just traveling differing paths. And NO path is paramount to any other.

  5. It's funny that half of my ancestry is Hungarian Jewish and I didn't realize that tonight is the first night of Channukah. Thank you for this beautiful post :)

  6. your inner light doesn't need any consecrated oil for it to burn..

  7. Happy Hanukkah to you dear lady...I'm reading the book "A Case for God" at the moment...and I must say it is a fascinating read on religion.



  8. Such a lovely message! Happy Hanukkah to everyone!

  9. Lovely picture. Lovely message. I live in a Jewish neighborhood and the candles in the window are beautiful. It was especially beautiful one year when it fell at Christmas and one house had the bright Christmas decor and the next the Hanukkah candle. It was so amazingly peaceful.

  10. Thanks for this Debra! Great symbolism indeed.

  11. beauiful the sacred flame within ourselves is not easily extinguished. May everyone's special inner light burn brightly and help illuminate the world [the sacred flame within ourselves - Love it!!! xo]

  12. Just found your blog! Almost converted last year, but this year find myself still pagan! Will be drifting through your blog, came here by way of OctoberFarm! Lois from Ontario...


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