Monday 17 January 2011

I'm so far behind!

So last weekend, we had a big snowstorm and received a ton of snow. That meant I couldn't drive around the city and get my errands done. We spent all our time snow shoveling (me) and snow blowing (My Rare One).

Then I was sick at home with the flu almost all last week. So again, needless to say, nothing got done on my "to do list."

I got a little bit caught up this weekend but nowhere near enough. Plus we got a bunch more snow. *shakes fist at Old Man Winter and collapses, sobbing, into a huge snowbank*

What, I hear you asking, does all this whining mean? Alas, it means that blogging must take a back seat this week to everything else which needs to be done. So I don't expect to post very much until next week.

Just FYI.


  1. ~your behind and as i said this morning i am so far backwards...hehehe...i am sorry you have been ill {i tell ya this has been one heck of a sick season for us to...we have been blessed with head colds again...was just a few weeks ago we got past our last well and healthy wishes to you and yours}and ol man winter chose your home for a long plentiful snow bank sobbing!!! chin up...all in good time your list will start to dwindle...i feel your pain! much love light blessings and productivity ahead~

  2. Get well! Work on your list. I'm working on my list ... all paperwork ... ack!

  3. love you...feel better...relax, all that really needs to get done will.

  4. Obviously I need to slow down because at first read I thought you'd spent the whole week blowing your rare one. Which would pretty much cover most of my to do list. But I think I get it now. Ish. Where's my caffeine?

  5. Feel better soon, Debra and keep warm :-)

  6. Take your time babe! And bundle up so you won't get sick again. Our snow is melting, but we are getting more (not as much as you). I haven't move my car for a couple of weeks.

  7. hire some peons, who like snow, to do your errands! ;) lol

  8. I'm shaking my first at him too! It's -12C here and I'm stuck inside again. I'm sorry to hear you also haven't been feeling well, that sucks! Just rest, take care of yourself my friend. Your health is more important than anything else.

  9. Of course you need to take care of yourself FIRST and foremost Debra! I mean who the heck has the energy to blog when they're feeling like crap, except maybe for "Ms. Martha S." but I'm highly suspect of her. Get lots of snuggles from HRH and sending you blessings.

  10. What a snowy winter we all seem to be having. We're in for a bit more, but then it will warm up and change to rain. Going to make for some sloppy walking conditions. Glad you are feeling better, but make sure you take good care of yourself. The flu takes awhile to go away.

  11. I'm beginning to get this empty feeling in my heart

  12. All the "to-do's" and weather stuff and etc.... But the good part is that you must be over the flu! Now that is something to say Hooooray! to. :-)

    Hugs & ♥'s...
    'Cause Valentine Day is coming!

  13. Every day the weather network taunts us with promises of it being around the 0-degree mark "tomorrow". And every "tomorrow" it's still -24 ("feels like -39"). Needless to say, there is no food in *my* fridge, so fare thee well out there, brave neighbour!

  14. Glad you have your priorities straight, Debra! Get that list taken care of and see you soon.

  15. I hope you feel better soon and don't stress over the list...making lists is on my list of things I do not allow myself to do ; )

  16. peace and health to you, debra

  17. I always think it works much better when your 'to do' list reads:
    1. wake up
    2. Get out of bed
    3. Eat breakfast
    etc etc
    You'll be amazed at how satisfying it is to cross it all off ;)

  18. Good luck getting everything on your list checked off. I'll still be here when you make it back to blogging!!
    Hope you're feeling better. Flu is miserable!

  19. sensual crust....never thought of it that way but now i will never think of it any other way! actually now that you mention it, i think i do sensual cooking!

  20. I can relate ; it happens to me all the time. I appreciate your taking the time to shre with us on your blog and the time you spend reading and commenting on others blogs. I wish you luck in catching up on your to-do-list.
    Johnina :^A

  21. Having stuck my head above the workpile for the moment I thought I'd take a wander down the bloggers hall. Sorry to hear things are all over the place, hope things get better soon.


  22. I feel you...I can so relate...and I challenge you to compare the measurement of YOUR To Do list to mine...

  23. Doesn't seem to be stopping any of us from coming by and seeing what you're up though.
    As for the snow slowing you down, you live in Canada! Come on! That's no excuse.
    Looking forward to having you back even if you are a mild wuss.

  24. Put "get some rest," "stop worrying" and "feel better" on your checklist... right at the top.

  25. I love it here..but this snow is making me dream of places where people walk dogs on the beach where it is +15C.

  26. got must be all grown up....I`ll just go in the snow and play.....See ya soon!

  27. thanks for the compliment on the bread, my friend...all thanks to joyce :-)


  28. Oh my....sounds like when it rains it pours in your neck of the woods...get well soon....and go slow in catching up.



  29. Sex, Drugs & Bacon Sandwiches may have something there. However, I can truly understand your situation . . . snow, flu, errands, and the return to work . . . no time for fun!

  30. thinking of you today...wishing you wellness and love, lots and lots of love.

  31. I've been a little behind myself tootes! And I know all too well what you mean about old man winter!!!

  32. Hope you are digging out alright. You did move to Edmonton? I'll save my comments on that...

    Hope you are finding some rest in there somewhere too!

  33. hope that flu has gone! built the immune system up with lots of herbs and green tea..

    [and the little red dress still fit me when she gave it away.. I can remember.. it was kind of torn from my little hands.. me sobbing *sigh*]

  34. I hear ya my dear! We will be here waiting :)



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