Monday 28 February 2011

The Cure for Spiritual Doubt

Hello. This is Her Royal Highness the cat speaking to you today about a very serious topic. Do you ever question the existence of Ceiling Cat? Do you wonder if He is really up there watching you do naughty things?

Could Ceiling Cat's existence be an elaborate ruse? Has all the photographic evidence been misinterpreted or even (*gasp*) doctored? Take this photo, for example.

Yes, there they are -- Ceiling Cat and His fellow male deities all playing poker. The usual suspects are there -- the Flying Spaghetti Monster, Jesus, Zeus. And okay, we all know that Morgan Freeman and Eric Clapton are God too. But, excuse me, a dinosaur and an alien? What kind of trumped up photoshopped nonsense is going on here?

Now, this is the critical spiritual point -- if this photo is faked for those two imposters, then how can we be sure about the authenticity of Ceiling Cat? Or the authenticity of any of them, really?

Luckily, we CAN be sure. This legal document certifies that Ceiling Cat exists. The rest of them may be spurious bums but Ceiling Cat is rock solid legit.

Would Chuck Norris lie to you?


  1. Perhaps Ceiling Cat can teach Minga how to be quiet at night.

  2. Ha!Ha! the heck did you get Cat out?

  3. And here I thought my little dogs were crazy for barking at the ceiling. What an X Files moment! I believe!

  4. ROFLMAO....I love Mondays with you hon!! Thank you for the laugh! As a bonified sci-fi mind is reeling here LOL!!
    Happy Monday to you hon!
    Hugs, Sarah

  5. I've been healed!! Or brought to heal????

  6. Hhhmmmm..... Not real sure about those signatures.... And that notary seal does look a bit suspect....

  7. I pledge allegiance, to the ceiling cat, and the chuck norris of america. And to the mountain dew for which they nun-chuck.

  8. I'm with Frostbite - I believe!

  9. Hehe! My cat Beau likes to stare at the ceiling - so that's proof enough for me! All hail CeilingCat!

  10. Okay I thought I had posted this but maybe not; however I do not wish to offend the all seeing Ceiling Cat so I will try once more.

    Praise the cat! I've been healed! Or more truthfully to heal!

  11. Dammit Debra! If I get distracted thinking of ceiling cat watching me the next time I masturbate it's your ass I'm coming after!

  12. Of course there is the ceiling cat! Not only have my own furbabies told me that there is, and I believe everything that they tell me, but I've been up in the middle of the night, when it is extremely quiet, and have heard the padding around myself!

    I doesn't do to even toy with the idea that there may not be a ceiling cat. .there will be rePURcussions.

  13. I for one believe in the glory that is Ceiling Cat and I don't need a goof like Chuck Norris to back me up.

  14. Even cats think there is "Someone" watching them????? Oh no! Say it isn't so!!!!


  15. BWAHA! Thanks for the giggle snort. :D

  16. hahahahaha!!!! OH Ceiling Cat, that's priceless ;)

  17. Oh dear lady.....I so wonder sometimes what makes your mind work? LOL LOL LOL


  18. I think the DaVinci code guy needs to look into this!

  19. Ceiling Cat exists because nobody defies Chuck Norris!

  20. I would take Chuck Norris's Word for it if I were ya'll.

  21. But how can this fit within a non-dualistic worldframe? Because implicit in the concept of Ceiling Cat is Basement Cat; and according to their usual iconography the one is white while the other is black. That leaves little room for the existence of other Deities, in contradiction to what is resoundingly asserted by the painting above, unless it is (a perhaps tongue-in-cheek) heresy, or, more likely, a statement of henotheism; but if the latter it is patently incongruent and imcompatible within what has historically been known about this religion. Though perhaps Ceiling Cat's ginger coloring is a clue that the religion is evolving, or, perhaps, simply a wry comment on the limitations of the religion by the artist. Alas, this painting remains anonymous, though it can be (probably) attributed to the Lol School and dated, roughly, by Clapton's haircut to fairly recently; still, one wonders just what the artist's intent was.

  22. Ow, think I hurt myself there.

  23. I know MY brain hurts! Too deep for me, LOL!

  24. This whole post is blasphemy....
    Ceiling Cat exists, all right.

    Curse all ye non believers!

  25. here I always thought my cats were looking for mice in the ceiling... but it was ceiling cat! To cats who are fixed stil masturbate??? Hmmmmmmm.....

  26. My girls told me about "Ceiling Cat" and I just wouldn't listen to them, now I guess I'll be eating crow, errrr...maybe a mouse for dinner. Thanks as always Debra for making me laugh so early in the morning ;)

  27. OMG! I just spit tea all over my monitor!!! That is bloody brilliant.

    I knew the ceiling cat was real....I knew it.

    Thanks for giving me something else to post on facebook (I already posted your cat vomit signs, they were quite popular, thank you!)

    Take care!


  28. I knew ceiling cat existed! I had prayed to Morgan Freedman often for clarity of thought, my doubts about ceiling cat were making my days long and hairy. Now that I know for sure, everything is better. I better light the stick of dynamite I promised to the Spaghetti Monster. I am to stick it in a pot of sauce--he is a strange god...

  29. Sadly, Ceiling Cat is not bored...


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