Tuesday 8 February 2011

Groundhog Day Redux

I'm with you, Impatient Cat! Let's form an Angry Mob! Who wants to come along? I've got a pitchfork. Anyone have a blazing torch?


  1. yuppers... da ol wuff comes wiff HUMONGOUS canines! GRRRRRRRRR

  2. Don't have a blazing torch, but you can count me in. Spring has been teasing us here, and I never have taken well to being teased.

  3. can we go straight to summer ? spring around here is mud and freshly exposed doggie doo

  4. Look for me by the side of the road. My sign says, "Have blazing torch. Need ride to Canada for angry mob."

  5. It snowed again last night and we've got temps near 0 so there is no hint of spring here in Wisconsin. Personally I think Phil took a bribe.

  6. It's skitso weather here..beautiful out today and yesterday..then will drop down to freezing with rain and maybe snow and then warm by the weekend..sigh*

  7. He was BS-ing for the crowd. Would you tell five thousand people standing in front of your home that Winter isn't going away? I'd be mapping an escape route if I were him!

  8. Who says those guys can understand "groundhog" anyway? I've always thought that the interpreter has all of the power. .

    And let's face it. .Mother Nature has the last say, anyway. I personally don't like hot weather, so am not looking forward to it, but I do enjoy Spring, and then, oh my. .Fall!!!! My absolute favorite!!!

    And after this winter, Spring is going to be SO delightful!!

  9. Yesterday was a balmy 45 degrees, but today its windy and cold! Winter needs to go away and stay away!


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