Tuesday 22 February 2011

Wonder Women

We all start off with SO MUCH energy and determination when we're young and new to the superhero life . . .

We reach our peak of womanly POWER, lassos firmly in hand, strong, calm, confident and in charge . . .

And sure, by middle age, maybe there's a few extra pounds, our thighs are chubby and we're starting to look and sound more like Roseanne every day, but we STILL kick major ass . . .

But the day inevitably comes when gravity and cellulite have won the battle, when we switch our stiletto boots for sneakers and DAMN, don't granny panties feel comfy? . . .

So are we now washed-up Wonder Women? . . .

SHIT NO and get the FUCK out of our way cuz we are NOT going to miss our coupla margaritas and our favourite programs on TV, you villainous BASTARD YOU.


  1. LMAO!!! Ok, why is it that I can relate more to the last pic?!!! Damn where's that treadmill!

  2. I couldn't love you any more than I do right at this moment.

  3. Fantastic! Boy, did Wonder Woman mean the world to me as a little girl and even though I may be made of tissue paper now, I can still tackle the world damn it. Thanks for the inspiring post my friend!

  4. OMG!!!
    This is priceless and sums up my life at the moment! (except I have not quiet made it to the *last* photo yet....I'm thinking I fit in the one above...LOL!)


  5. You are too funny. Thanks for the laugh. Gosh, that could be me walking down the street.

  6. ROFLMAO....ya know I felt like the middle one for the longest time...then suddenly I am the third one..WTH??!! Giggle snort..thank you for my first morning LOL!!
    Hugs to you hon, Sarah

  7. And if you don't get outa' her way, she'll ram you with those points of her "Madonna type" nipples!!!


  8. BWWBWHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAAA!! Snort! You just made my entire week, girlfriend. You are Wonder-ful Woman!

  9. Yeah, I'm pretty much in the Rosanne phase.

    I can still take on the world, I just don't wanna any more!

  10. I love the way you put this post together. Fabulous. That is why you are a wonder, woman.

  11. I look like the last picture(minus the big hair), but feel like the next-to-the-last one. And today I especially feel like kicking ass!

    You've made my day!

  12. BUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Margaritas and our favorite TV programs. Hit the nail right on the head!

  13. lol... double for the guys, deb ;)

  14. Hilarious and thoughtful! Well played.

  15. Wonder Woman has been my "hero" since I was a three-year-old little girl spinning in circles wearing my Woman Woman under-roos.

    Not only is she a kick-ass, take no prisoner gal...she's also Pagan! Now there's a woman to look up to :)

    Thanks for the reminder that we all have a little bit of Wonder Woman in all of us.

  16. where is the "like" button for this?!

  17. Dear Debra,

    Roseanne Barr was on an Oprah about a week or so ago. Did you catch it? She looked and still is fabulous! I guess all those early Wonder Woman ways (with the exception of the National Anthem "happening") have finally paid off. Did you know she is presently a macadamia nut farmer (Hawaii)? Yes, it's true --sans the red/white/blue "bathing suit" and "crown," which she traded in for long, flowy skirts, crinolines, BIG work boots, and a GIANT sun hat!

    Yours sincerely,
    Cellar Door

    P.S. Roseanne for President!

  18. Yes, I saw Roseanne's interview on Oprah and am glad she's happy and doing well. I love how she's not afraid to grey naturally now! I agree: Roseanne rocks!

  19. That was great! Wonder Woman has always been my hero!

  20. This had better not be your alter or altered ego....so attractive!

  21. I guess my 'Spidey`days are over then.....oh well, it was fun nonetheless!

  22. You blog just makes my day!!!

    I hear ya, hear ya loud and clear!



  23. Bwah-ha ha! Debra, you're such a goddess, actually you're my heroine! Wonder Woman be damned, she don't have anything on us ;)

  24. Girl that is so damn funny!!!!! LOL! When I first saw the title, I thought oh no, she is going to tell us how she had dreams of sex with Wonder Woman!

  25. HILARIOUS! Oh child! Thank you! I needed to laugh like that!

  26. So glad i stopped by- what a riot- what a sense of humor- so well done- oh boy can I relate and still get quite the belly laugh out of it. Thanks for sharing my dear friend

  27. How cute is this post.....I swear..I will NEVER look like your last example of Wonder Woman. Now mind you...I never looked like the first photo either...but I draw the line at granny panties. LOL


  28. Thank you so much for the levity! Your comment on my Cheesehead Jesus...that lifted me up too! I just told my husband, "when I say cheeses, it sounds like Jesus"!

  29. f-u-n-n-y !!! laughed out loud :)

  30. OK this was the funniest thing and I was not expecting the ending, thanks for the great laugh. you are a real treat you know. hugs.

  31. It has taken me a whole day to get all of the sticky orange juice off of my keyboard and monitor (I finally kicked my Pepsi habit), but have now tacked a huge reminder to self to not be drinking anything when reading your posts. I can't ever be sure as to what I'll find.

    Thanks for the HUGE laugh. .although it may take a while for my eyes to heal. .that last image seems to be burned into them.

    But yes! Wonder Women are of mind and spirit, not of physical appearance (thank goodness!). We DO persevere!

  32. Ha! I'll be grinning about this one all day, Debra. We are each of us a wonder woman and we KICK ASS!! Thanks for the lift....:)


  33. This is beyond fabulous! Thank you.

  34. LMAO!!!!!! Oh this made my night! Seriously awesome!

  35. ~i missed much while i was away!!! i had wonder woman underoo's when i was little...sad to say they will never fit again but if she has found such a giddy up i wonder if i would be able to too!!! love it...thanks for the laugh my friend...warm wishes and brightest blessings~


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