Thursday 3 February 2011

Year of the Rabbit

Gung Hey Fat Choy, everyone! Happy Chinese Lunar New Year! (which technically began last night with the New Moon).

And wow, 2011 is the Year of the Rabbit or Hare! So what can we expect for the upcoming 12 months? According to Susan Levitt and Jean Tang in Taoist Astrology:

The year of the Hare is a time of peace, calm, leisure, and rest after the chaos of the previous Tiger year. People enjoy the arts, gourmet food, and luxuries. Money can be made easily, but it is spent easily. The Dragon year that follows will be a wild and exhausting time, so enjoy a Hare year as an opportunity for relaxation, pleasure, family gatherings, entertainment, and comfortable travel. Expect political compromise and diplomatic peacemaking on a global level.

Well, that sounds pretty good, doesn't it?

Every year Canada Post issues a commemorative stamp for the Chinese Lunar New Year. Here is this year's offering, which I like very much:

Now go eat a moon cake or set off a firecracker or something, eh? And don't forget to exchange a penny with a friend! Click here for the details of that little good luck and abundance ritual which I posted last year.


  1. Peace, calm and leisure, Now that's what I'm talkin' about!

  2. Happy New Year, I love the stamp , very colorful, now I am going to go read the other post. have a great year. hugs.

  3. I'm a Rabbit. A calm year could be nice, but my Tiger year was a good one even though there really was lots going on. Thanks for posting!

  4. Gorgeous stamp! And I LOVE the forecast for the year. I could use the influence of the Bunny in my life. Aaaaaahhhhhhhh.

  5. Beautiful stamp! Love the colors, the design. And I adore Bunnies!!!!
    Gung Hey Fat Choy!! May this be a hoppin' good year!

  6. Wow, with the plans I'm making right now that sounds just about right! Spooky!

  7. I was born in the year of the rabbit, but my "girls" are protesting it. You see in the Korean culture, it's the "Year of the Cat", hmmmpfff, they say! Wishing you a very catty-rabbit new year, Debra ;)

  8. I love their little custom of giving red envelopes with cash in them to single people. Happy New Year.

  9. Thanks so much for the birthday wishes! Cheers! Love the rabbit!

  10. I love the stamp! Our stamps usually show a solemn person wearing old clothes, or pictures of old cars, we get a cracked bell every once in a while, or a flag, but rarely bunnies.

    I hope the arts and money thing works out for all of us...

  11. I totally need a calm, relaxing rabbit year!
    I'm going to have to get me one of those stamps the next time I hit the post office. Very cool!
    Happy Chinese Lunar New Year!

  12. Running out to buy some of those stamps!

    Looking forward to a restful year ahead - last year was a doozy!

    Perhaps some Chinese food for dinner tonight...


  13. Mmmmmmm, THIS is a year of peace and calm? And the following one, will be wild?

    God/Goddess, help us!!!!!!!!!!!!

  14. That’s a beautiful stamp. A rabbit year sound nice.

  15. love the stamp!!!
    Moon cakes.. hmmm. will have to find one somewhere.

  16. I sure hope some of that easy money finds its way to me.

  17. a Happy Chinese new year to you as well... I well remember my first moon cake... a bit different I might say..

    May the year of the Rabbit be good for all... blessings

  18. beautiful stamp..really...but I sure hope that's right about this year..we could use it..but not buying it..
    I'm having chinese new year on feb 10 at the old farts home, can't wait.

  19. cheers, deb... i celebrated with chinese green tea :)

  20. What a beautiful stamp! We could all use a little peace, calm, leisure and rest. The Year of the Hare is just in time!

  21. Oh that artwork is gorgeous.

    And some peace sounds good, too, as well as the bit about making some money, ha!


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