Friday 25 March 2011

It's Earth Hour Tomorrow!

Tomorrow evening at 8:30 p.m. local time, people all over the world will be turning their lights out for one hour -- Earth Hour -- in support of action on climate change. Yes, it's just a gesture and it can't fix everything (or indeed anything) but it's still a symbolic way to show your heart is in the right place! My Rare One and I usually end up playing cribbage by candlelight during Earth Hour -- ooo, romantic!


  1. A collection of small gestures can make ginormous changes. So bring on the darkness!

  2. Oh, i will do that! I love a bit of candlelight, knowing me though would probably set my hair on fire! i will have to use tea lights! Hope you and your rare one are well and have a nice cozy night in tomorrow!

  3. I'll be there. After a baseball game in the afternoon, i'll be ready to turn the lights out and sleep! :D :D :D

  4. symbols like that really help in awareness....i look forward to my candle, quiet time....

  5. Oooh! That is sweet and a touch of romance. I love earth hour. You have me wanting to start a tradition for earth hour.

  6. I can't play cribbage but perhaps a candlelit game of blockus! I will turn out my lights too. It's always an adventure.

  7. i'll be in bed by then so my lights will all be out all night!

  8. We always participate. My autistic kid loves it, and then tries to recreate the whole thing every night for about a week afterwards by going around the house turning off all the lights and bringing me candles to light!

  9. Watching TV by candlelight takes me back to my childhood..... LOL

    If we can all do one little thing every day - cut back on energy usage, recycle, upcycle - before we know it those little things will add up to making a big difference!

    {Now strip cribbage would be romantic.....)

  10. Oh that is the cutest little world..look at that face! Yes definitely will turn off everything and a light the candles! Maybe a game of chess..or something..hmmmmmmmm!
    Hugs, Sarah

  11. I love earth hour! Our town is pretty green...surprised I have not gotten any notice on this. I will for sure participate!

  12. I can read by candle light..take a bath in candle light, take a walk out in the street lights..but I can't fun my fucking computer on candle light..but I'll try..ha

  13. I want the earth plush! haha
    I'm not sure exactly what's going to be going on for us. It's not just hubby and me in the house, so while I might want to participate, the rest of the household may not. I think I might simply choose to read by the candle light for the hour in our bedroom...At least one of us will be doing it, right?

  14. I think I will spend it sitting with friends around our outdoor fireplace. Favorite place to celebrate!


  15. I just hope that it makes more people realize how much it costs Earth each time we turn a light on and take it further than the day.

  16. Count me in. One small ripple is all it takes. Right on!

  17. cabbage rolls by candlelight? YUM! ;) lol

  18. All right....
    I will observe Earth Hour...for you.

    Thanks for the info!

  19. I mixed up the date last year, so i'm eager to join the darkness this year!

    However, I think I'm the only one in my family... My bedroom light might be the only participant. :)

    Tree branching, Nickelodeon had a great ad for it this year, about how if everyone takes one step at the same time, we can make a difference.

    Count me in!

    By the way, adorable Earth plush. :)

  20. Thanks for the reminder, I forgot this was tonight! I will do this as I have every year. And when in the dark, you don't want to know what goes on here!

  21. Great reminder! Love the idea of candlelight....

  22. I got a whole pile of garbage just waiting to be burned. At least all that plastic and used diapers won't go into the landfill. What? I missed the point?

  23. our plan is to tell stories by candle light this evening.

  24. Good idea! Guess we`ll get out the Scrabble board! I`m no good at crib like my niece Elaine! lol

  25. We usually take part in this, and will again this year.

    Cribbage by candlelight takes me back to waiting out thunderstorms with my kids, when we would play cribbage.

    But now. .you don't take advantage of the poor lighting my moving the Rare One's pegs back, do you?

  26. And just an fyi... April 22 is actually "Earth Day" (and my birthday but who's counting?) :D


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